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2 Months Later

I wake up to him not in the bed, this happens rarely but he will wake up before me and make breakfast then instantly go to working.

He makes sure to leave me a note at the table saying he loves me and that he will be in the office if I need him.

I'm glad he communicates but I won't lie that its annoying waking up with out him. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen and there's the note with the food.

I smile and eat my food, it still tastes good. I finish it up and head to work with Namjoon.

I get to work and see Namjoon "Hey man." Namjoon waves "What's up?" I sigh "I'm doing good."

"He wake up early this morning?" I nod "so no goodbye kiss. But it's ok I'll still get my nightly cuddles." Namjoon just smiles "yea true, good to think of positives."

We talk more and I head back to work. I look at the time and it's 8:54pm, I get off soon and I can see Jimin.

It's time to leave and I head home, I walk in and don't see Jimin. "I'm home hunny!" I hear a little voice "In here baby!" I smile and head over but sigh a bit "Still working?" He nods "A load got dropped on me."

I smirk "want a different load?" Jimin noes scrunches up "Can you not?" I smile "What? You usually ask for it?" Jimin face changes "seriously stop, that's fucking disgusting."

I start to get confused "Alright I'll stop I'm sor-" I get cut off "No your not sorry, Jesus Yoongi do you never stop joking?" I lean up "what do you mean? All I sai-" he huffs "all you said? Was that I wanted a load but you never stop huh? Just fucking go."

I scrunch my face up "Alright I will leave." Jimin stops working "You always like to leave dont you." I stop "Are you serious YOU just told me to!" Jimin leans his head back "YEA but you always fucking walk away that's your THING." I start to get angry but try to calm down.

"Alright LOOK I didn't do shit wrong, I made a joke, yes you didn't fucking like it but I said I was sorry. It should have stopped right there."

"But it-" I cut him off "No buts, Now I'm leaving and going to the room, have fun or whatever." I turn and walk away into the room.

Are you serious? I just came home, like yea maybe it's from the job but don't take it out on me Jesus. UGH! Just calm down Yoongi it's fine, he didn't mean it. He gets like this, it's his work.. it's his work.

I take a deep breath and I breath out slowly a couple times. I calm down and decided to lay in the bed. I'm not in the mood to eat dinner right now.

After a few hours, I feel someone cuddle up to me, I wake up and looks down. I hear Jimin start to talk "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have blown up on you, work is just...." he sighs and take a breath "It's just too much right now and I can't take a break I'm sorry."

I sigh as well and hug him kissing him on the top of the head "It's ok, I'm also sorry because I blew up and also made a Inappropriate joke." He hugs me back "it's ok, you weren't wrong, I do like it." I just snicker

"I love you." He looks up at me "I love you too Jimin." I smile and I kiss him. He lays his head on my chest and we start to fall asleep.

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