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I clean my house up a bit and make a cup of wine. God I love wine.

Not long after I hear a knock on the door, just to tease him I wait. I hear him about to give up when I open it.

I look the man who's been one of my bestfriends in the eye. He instantly knows it's me.

He starts to cry as he hugs me and almost tackles me on the ground.

I pat him on the back and laugh a bit. "Where have you been? I thought you were dead, hell WE thought you were dead. We came to your house practically everyday waiting to see if you came home."

He sniffles a bit "We had to stop once October came because we just couldn't anymore, we believed you'd never come back." Hes hugs me again and I just rub circles around his back.

I don't do hugs... we sit down at my kitchen table as I drink my wine.

"So what happened that night?" I take a sip of my wine and sigh. "That night after I hurt Jimin, I just couldn't be myself anymore. I ran to a place that was really nice. I had found a river there and decided to just walk straight in it."

I smile a bit "I ended up laying in that water floating for a good 2 hours. I don't know how I didn't die or get sick but I guess god was on my side or some shit. I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted to kill myself that night but something told me not to."

Namjoon starts to cry again "Jesus." I chuckle "I ended up finding a nice house at the end of the river after I closed my eyes and glided with the water. It was a nice abandoned place."

I take another sip "I started to live there with the bare minimum I had, some old canned food was in the house and so I just ate whatever I could. I survived threw the seasons somehow but there were times I thought I was gonna die."

Namjoon now grabs himself a cup of wine and drinks it. "The coldest winter nights and the hottest summer days. I won't lie, the river was amazing and if I wanted to I could have stayed there another year. But I just wanted to come back."

I finish my story and finish my glass of wine "Jesus, no wonder you felt different, when I hugged you, you felt more twig then muscle, but surprisingly you still got some good muscle."

I chuckle but stop "Have you herd from Hoseok." I pause, that silly demon. "Hey Namjoon what happened after I left?" He sighs.

"After you left, something happened to Hoseok which caused him to cry, then all of sudden he disappeared, never to be seen again. Just like you."

I choke up a bit "we didn't know what to do so Jin helped Jimin out while Jungkook and Taehyung and me went to go find you. When we couldn't find you that night we started to freak out."

"Jimin started to beat himself up about it for the longest, a few months ago he finally was able to push threw."

I looked down at my glass as Namjoon grabbed my hand. "No one hates you, for what you did. If anything we all feel bad for not helping you out. Taehyung and Jungkook ended up hearing what you went threw and they couldn't believe what they herd, they only got Jimins side."

I take the bottle of wine and pour me another drink. "They had a deep talk and Jimin realized what he did and couldn't stop crying, he felt bad for pushing you to the point you had to use a demon. But since that night we haven't herd or seen Hoseok since."

After the story me and him talked some more before he had to leave. "Hey, don't tell anyone I'm back, you can tell Jin but I don't want anyone knowing." He nods and gives me one more big hug before leaving.

Once he leaves I sigh and take the bottle of wine downing it instantly. Oh how I've missed you sweet alcohol.

I need to get my life together before meeting anyone again, specially him.

Authors note
Hey so I wanted to clear something up!!

!!!!!!It's about the story so please read!!!!!!!

I've seen some comments and I would like it to be known that in the story I wanted Jimin to been seen as the bad guy.

As in he was completely in the wrong. I know some things Yoongi did was wrong too but it was meant for Jimin to be more of the bad guy then him.

Also I'm sorry if you don't agree but that's how I intended the book to be read. But anyway the story is close to over 😭😭😭

We have 7 chapters left 😭 but don't worry all coming chapters are going to be good! They won't be slight fillers like these.

Let's just say Sope 👀👀

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