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1 year later

I wake up, you know per usual, I get out of bed and take a shower. I take a bit longer in the shower to fill my thoughts.

It's now been 3 years since we've been together and it's been 1 year since me and Jimin haven't gone out or been a real couple.

We're not the same anymore but I'm sure it will end soon and we can go back to how we were.

I have not cheated once since we've been together, though I can't say the same for Jimin... but I trust him, I just don't trust my thoughts.

I get out the shower and dry off, I get and put on my work clothes and head over to Jimin. He's still passed out.

I guess he reached his limit again. I pick him up slowly, missing the feeling of him in my arms as I lay him down and put the blanket over him.

I just smile and kiss his head. I decide to go to work. When I get there I sigh.

"Hey Namjoon." He looks up at me and gives me his pity smile, I hate that smile. I'm fine I'm doing just fine don't give me that pity smile.

"What's up Yoongi, how are you doing." I just sigh then smile "Doing good, today is me and Jimins 3rd year together."

Namjoon just nods, no smile no pat on the back just nods. "Congrats man, everything doing ok?"

Of course it is why the fuck would you ask "Yea we're doing fine, he still has work. Found him still passed out today but he seemed happy when he was sleeping."

Namjoon nods again "well hopefully you guys will be able to go out today and relax." I nod this time and smile a bit. Maybe we will.

The time feels as if it's flying by today and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. But all I know is I seem a little happier today then I usually do.

I get up because work is over and head home, it's now 9pm when I walk threw the door.

I hear Jimin start to giggle and it brings peace to my ears. I head to kitchen to start making dinner.

But what I saw next didn't seem right, Jimin came out in clubbing gear, he would wear this when me and him would go clubbing all the time.

As he walks out he looks at me "Oh hey hunny." I look at him confused "Yea hey, Where are you going?" He just smiles "I'm gonna go out."

I just nod "out for work or?" He shakes his head "No? Out with friends." I can feel myself start to get upset "Freinds?" He nods "Your going out with friends? FRIENDS?" I slight raid my voice, his face is now confused.

"Why are you making a big deal about it? Yes friends." I huff out a laugh "Jimin this is the first day you have off in what? A YEAR? And you go out with friends?"

He just nods slowly as if to say, yea stupid. "Do you even know what day it is!!" He just thinks "June 10th?" This broke my heart, one of the last pieces.

"Really? Are you fucking kidding me! JIMIN ITS ARE FUCKING ANNIVERSARY!!" Jimin pauses and thinks about the date.

His eyes widen "I-I" I laugh "You what? Forgot we were fucking dating? That I wasn't fucking important for you to remember?!"

I can see him start to get pissed, at what? Your in the fucking wrong here "Look Yoongi I've been busy alright-" I cut him off "For a fucking YEAR!"

He sighs "Yes a fucking YEAR! I deserve a break, sadly yes it had to be on our anniversary but I wanna go hang out with friends, I haven't seen them in years."

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