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"What are you doing here alone? Shouldn't you be home. You have work tomorrow." I huff "I went out to the bar and had some drinks."

He snickered "You were? Don't you usually stay there all night, crying about a love you try so hard to get." I roll my eyes.

"Yea that's what usually happens but someone pissed me off." I sigh "Well, whatever they said I'm sure that if it got under your skin then apart of you believes it's true."

I pause at what he said.. I look up, the moon is shinning right behind him and his eyes our filled with that flame again only it's a blue flame. It's a stunning scene.

I can't stop staring....Jimin, I love Jimin. I look away in a instant "No, I just don't like someone budding in stuff they don't know." He sat next to me and laid back looking at the stars.

"Then what dose that make me?" I become mute, I can't say anything to that. Because I've asked him practically begged him to butt in my situation.

Just as I was about to say something I turn and see no one there.... but that's the thing no one was ever there. It was my imagination talking to me.

I lay back and try to hold myself together.
It feels like I can't deny it anymore. He's right, apart of me dose believe I need to let go, because there's something right in front of me I can't seem to see.

I take a calm breath and get up deciding to walk home. These days have passed by quick maybe a little to quick and I just don't know how to feel.

I walk into my house and just breath putting my keys on the counter and putting my jacket up. "Yo." I look over to see Hoseok.

"You seem to be everywhere don't you." He looks at me confused "You know I can never tell if your real or not." I sigh as I feel the alcohol start to take over and my decisions become unclear.

"Your In my life, in my dreams and what's worse so far in my imagination that it feels like your actually there." I walk towards him not caring what happens.

I yank him down by his collar as I kiss him. His eyes widen but he doesn't stop it, putting his hands on my hips and deepening the kiss. I push my self off "Just get out of my head."

After I say those words I pass out from being drunk. He holds me and stares at me not wanting to let go.

"He doesn't deserve you." He sighs and takes me to my room placing me on my bed. Brushing my hair and then disappearing into thin air.

Authors note

Ahhh I woke up a decent time so have a chapter in the morning!!

We're getting to the good parts I'm so excited!!

ALSO!! Thank you for 1K reads!!! I'm so happy thank you so much!!!! It means alot.

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