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I get to Jimins place, I brush myself off and I knock on the door. I can hear them talking "shush idiot, I gotta get the door." It's Jimin.

He seems so happy, while I've been suffering without him. Both of my hands are on either side of the doorway.

As soon as he opens it he sees me, his eyes turn sad and confused, just like my head. "We need to talk." I say as he just stares.

What I expect to be his boyfriends come and see me. They fall silent once they know who I am.

Jimin brings me in and tells the other two to go in another room. I look around and it looks really nice.

I can obviously tell Jimin lives here. I look at him, my face looks exhausted, tired and depressed. "So this is where you've been."

Jimin holds his arm and looks away "Look Yoongi I'm sorry-" I get confused and a bit pissed "Sorry? You don't get to be sorry! After we had our fight I woke up to nothing, came home to nothing! I lost my everything! I lost the one I loved WHY ARE YOU SORRY!"

I start to cry and hold my head "You left me! You never said a word! Never texted! Never called! Here I was thinking we are still together. You'll come back one day."

I can't hold myself together "I wish and prayed for you to come back, I was miserable to the point I summoned a demon to help me get you back. Yea all this free time you have now is because of me! You don't know how much I beat myself up because I knew it was all MY FAULT YOU LEFT."

I try to calm down "Yoongi, I never meant... I just.. I couldn't take it." I look straight at him"Handle what? Me? Work? Love? You never gave me a chance, you were so busy with work that I was no longer a lover for you!"

"I'd stay up on nights wanting you to come to bed, crying missing your touch missing your love. When you would pass out on your desk, I'd make sure you were comfortable!" I'm now breaking down.

"How am I the only one hurt." Jimin looks at me with sorrow eyes "Yoongi, I loved you but it didn't work out." I'm pace around "WHAT DONT I HAVE!"

Slowly Jimin is getting angry "wanna know what? You say all this shit but what you did to me was terrible, going out every night coming home late! Never appreciating me for the work I do! Always fighting with me, YOU JUST WERENT A GOOD BOYFRIEND!"

I'm not angry, far past pissed. "EXCUSE ME WHAT! I wasn't a good BOYFRIEND!! You would tell me how you probably don't love me then pick your friends over me once you got free time, YOU WOULD THINK I CHEATED ON YOU WHEN I WAS AT WORK!! YOU NEVER TRUSTED ME!"

Jimin grabs me by my neck "Calm down, you know why I left, I fucking regret it but you know more times then not, I'm glad I left and never called. I loved you but your a emotional wreck."

I stare into his eyes seeing hatred, what happened to the love? What exactly did I do wrong. "I never loved you after our first major fight." Once I hear that I hear something snap.

I feel myself get angry, while his boyfriends come out to check and one is crying. "Hoseok." Just then the demon appears.

Jimin jumps once he appears and sees the hurt in the demons eyes. Namjoon and Jin run straight into the apartment and see what's happening.

"Kill him" The demon looks at me is shock and his eyes wide "But don't you love him?"

I look to him "That's an order demon." My eyes no longer show emotion I'm just blank.

The demon chargers for Jimin and in a instant Jungkook blocks the demon.

The demon pushes Jungkook, sending a slash to Jimin which Jin pushes him out of the way, causing Jimin to only get cut on the arm.

"Stop." I tell the demon.

Nothing really hit me hard tell Jimin came, I fell for him instantly, something about him made me wanna stay but nothing lasts or at least that's what people say.

Looking down at what would have been where he laid dead, it hits me and it hurts. At this very moment I'm glad Jin stepped in the way.

I loved him I did... but when did we become like this!! I hold on to my head and fall crying, why...why.

I get up and look to see everyone staring at me, I start to have a panic attack as I run away, leaving everyone.

In my mind I break the contract with the demon.

I no longer need you, our deal is done.

In a instant The demon falls, Jin runs to him to see that Hoseok is crying. Jin holds him but he disappears.

I run to a river far away, it's peaceful here. I walk straight into the river. I walk neck deep in it as I feel the soon to be winter air hit me.

I lay in the water to where I float. As I float I look to the sky, I see the moon.

Just like that I close my eyes.

Authors note
Sorry if this chapter seemed lack luster or not as like "omg why did that happen!!" Some areas were hard to make because I needed it a certain way.

We're getting close to the end guys ahhhh.

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