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I wake up with another massive headache and a dry throat. Jesus I need to stop.

I sit up with my hand on my head "God I need some water." As I say that I see a hand and a cup.

"I may not be god but I do have water." I jump at the voice and look up."who the fuck are you? Why are you here?" He looks at me and smirks.

"Awe well isn't it rude to forget some you summoned?" I frown my brows and stare at him trying to think "summoned what do you mean?" He points to the marking on the floor and I remember.

Haha no way he's lying "your lying, that shit isn't real." Just as I say that, wings pop out from behind him and his smirk widens.

"Oh hunny, I'm no liar, I'm the real deal." He leans down and whispers to me as his hand is on my chin. I blush internally while smacking myself in my head.

Weird what the fuck. "I'm just dreaming this shit isn't real, I'll just wake up." I get up to walk but the demon grabs me and pulls me in and holds my chin "oh it's real all right, and your not dreaming."

He goes to my neck and bites it but not to hard. My eyes widen at first, shit it feels good and second WHAT THE FUCK it's not a dream!!

I push him off and cover my neck "What the fuck?!" He just shrugs "What? You summoned me because your sexually frustrated right?"

I just look at him, "What? No I summoned you cause my friend told me to, I'm not sexually frustrated, I'm doing just fine thank you. I have plenty of sex." I huff out "Lie" my eyes widen

"W-what?" He smiles "I said lie, you haven't had sex in well over a year and you haven't been fucked in 4-" I run over to him and cover his mouth. "No no no no no, none of that!"

He moves my hand and laughs "How do you even know this?" He looks up "As soon as someone summons me I know everything about them."

I just nod "So are you with anyone else?" He raises and eyebrow "Like as in how many people have summoned you right now?"

He shakes his head "once someone summons me I'm with them until they break the contract." I tilt my head "contract?" He nods

"You we're asleep when it happened but there's a pentagram on the back of your neck, that only demons can see. That's a part of the contract." I nod.

"Though there are times when the owner never wants the demon to leave, if the demon wants to they can make a bond, which makes the demon stay by their side forever."

I nod again "alright, what's your name?" The demon sits up "the names Hoseok." He smiles but it almost seems like a smirk.

It sends chills down my back."what's my first task?"

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