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6 months later

"I DONT CARE! You always do this Yoongi I'm tired of it. Just leave or something do whatever you want! I'm tired of us fighting over dumb shit!" I huff and start to grab my shit.

"WELL AT LEAST WE AGREE ON SOMETHING. We always fight over dumb shit! But whatever it's me right?! ITS ALWAYS ME."

Jimin screams "Yea it's you ok, YOUR PISSING ME OFF! JUST GO! I have to work anyway and I can't deal with this!"

I grab my hair "There you go with that 'work' again! Always oh I do this, oh I need to do that work, work, work, work, WORK! Can you never take a break?!!! You haven't since you got that damn job!" Jimin sighs "it's not that easy."

I laugh "BULLSHIT!" Jimin rolls his eyes "They can't do this with out me." I pace back and forth a bit "They did before they can do it now."

Jimin rubs his face "You fucking wouldn't understand because work is just so fucking easy for you." I try to relax but I'm fuming "Oh I don't? No you don't Jimin! I may have a 'EASY' job to you but at least I fucking try to make time for you. I TRY to make dinner for you, I TRY to understand you have to much to do and I TRY to be there for you but your making it so fucking hard."

Jimin screams again "ITS WORK!! I CANT TAKE IT OFF! DO YOU WANT ME TO GET FIRED. Look I know you want me by but at least I get to work at home, or at least I don't come home tell FUCKING 2 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Probably not even work!"

I laugh to the point it sounds like I'm crying "NOT THIS AGAIN! I'm not fucking anyone! if I was, at least they would be giving me more attention then you ever do!" It goes silent and I regret my words.

I just wanna cry and say I'm sorry "Your right they would, maybe they would also love you better to. Because maybe just maybe Im losing love for you."

I can feel my heart break as he says those words. I can't say anything else. All I can do is watch him go back to work in his office.

I scream Internally and grab my stuff heading out. I decide to go out to a bar and just drink.

"Hey yoongs, tequila?"I wave at Jackson wang "No bring out the fireball and the Hennessy." His eyes widen a bit and brings them out.

"Here's your Horny." God I hate that name. Awhile back when me and Jimin first had our big fight, me and Jackson made a drink that was fireball, Hennessy and some cinnamon.

We called it horny because you get a rock hard head ache in the morning. It was funny at the time but now it's embarrassing.

"So you guys fought again?" I just nod as I down my drink. "Yoongi that isn't healthy, what is that? The 5th time in the past 2 weeks?" I just sigh "It was my fault this time though."

He shakes his head "You always say it's your fault." I bang my head on the table "But it is this time, I told him if I had a hoe then at least they would give me more attention."

Jackson breath hitched a bit "Damn, but you weren't wrong he never gives you attention anymore, the last time y'all ever even went out was like what? A year ago?" I nod "A year, 3 months and 1 day but who's counting."

I clench my fist "but what's worse is he said that maybe he's lost love for me." Jackson gives me that pity eye. I fucking hate That look. "Jesus, he shouldn't have said that, specially if it's just to get under your skin."

I take another gulp of the drink he just made me "I don't blame him, it's all my fault, I'm a wreckless piece of trash." Jackson just frowns his face and stops giving me drinks.

"You've had 8 hornys you should get home while ya still can hun." I just nod and get up.
As I walk to the house I start to feel wet droplets from my face.

I'm crying, I'm actually crying. I decide to sit down and cry for a bit. I miss what we were, I miss us. As I cry I can feel myself slowly start to pass out.

I wake up to what seems to be like a man crying. "Hey wake up, please wake up."
I try and open my eyes as I see blonde hair, Jimin? "Baby please wake up, come on p-please."

He's crying? Why are you crying? I'm the asshole, did I make you cry? Did I hurt you.

As I wake up I look at him "thank god your awake." I just stare at him, his beautiful eyes and how delicate his face is. I miss you so much.

I raise my hand to his face and he smiles "come on let's go inside." I nod and get up. I instantly hold my head in pain. "Ugh" Jimin laughs a bit "Yea thats what you get for drinking idiot."

I just sarcastically smile at him and laugh.
What's he doing? Doesn't he have work? Maybe he doesn't, maybe he will stay.

"Can you take this?" I just nod "just get some rest hunny, I have to go to my work for a meeting. I love you, I probably won't be back tell late. I love you." He said it twice haha funny.

But he's leaving...... what did I expect "I love you.. too." He smiles and heads out the door. Our those words even true?

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