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Please Hoseok. Please..

As my last bit of blood drops, I feel myself drop.

Just before I give up, a bright light shines red. Fire comes out and a body is standing there as the flames and light clear.

He's facing away but I know who it is. "Hoseok." The man turns around instantly as he stares at me.

His eyes have flames in them like usual so brightly orange and red. Sending a shiver down my spin.

I've come to learn that those eyes are flames of desire. He's always looked at me with desire and hope. And god do I miss those fiery eyes.

As he gets a good look of me I start to cry, he can't stop staring at me.

I missed him, does he miss me. I start to fall as he instantly catches me. I'm a bit fatigued and losing blood didn't help.

As I cry and stare at him, I bring my hand to his face "I love you." His eyes grow wide as I see tears come from his eyes but his face lays blank.

"Yoongi, I've missed you so much." I smile and laugh "Took you long enough to speak." He laughs back as he lays me down in his lap.

"Took you long enough to come back." I smile at him. "Can you get me some water?"

His eyes widen again "oh yea." He grabs me some water and food to help with me being fatigued.

As soon as I become fine again and he bandages my hand up, I smile.

"I'm glad your ok." I look at him. He shuts his eyes and lays his head on mine. "I thought you were dead Yoongi."

I huff "Me? Dead? Come on." He punches my arm softly. "The day you broke our contract, I couldn't find you. I stayed at your hose for a month. Leaving whenever someone entered."

I flick his forehead "Yea well people were missing you as well idiot." He looked at me.

"Jin and Namjoon have been worried sick."
He laughs "Yea I bet but I couldn't face them."

I sigh "Yeah I know how that feels." I look over at Hoseok and breath.

"Hoseok." It feels weird to say but I know it makes him feel happy.

"I've found myself to love you and need you. You may be a demon but I want you. I've proposed a deal."

Hoseok looks at me a bit confused. "My deal is that, you stay with me forever even when my life has ended. You will follow me to my peaceful place and we will live there together."

He laughs in my face but a single tear falls "It's fuckin cheesy but deal. Anything to make you happy."

I start to cry out of happiness, I have him. He's mine and he can finally stay.

He lifts up my chin "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this when your not drunk." He leans in and kisses me deeply.

I feel ecstasy and kiss him back, our lips never pulling away.

He holds my head and pulls me in. We finally finish the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.

"What do you mean when I'm not drunk?" He laughs "you don't know this but every time you got drunk around me, you would kiss me.

I blushed at his words. "I didn't mind it, If anything I'd like to continue." He grabs me and puts me on his lap.

"we got interrupted every time I tried to make a move on you. I'd like to continue." He grabs my hips and kisses me.

I blush and kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck. He slowly brings his tongue into my mouth as we start to make out.

He pushes me down softly on the couch to where he towers over me. I look away as I blush.

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