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What people didn't know was I was sitting on a pile of money. Jimin didn't even know but my family was rich and I got all custody of that money.

I basically rich but I rarely ever use that money. That's why I was able to pay off the house.

I never liked my family that much that's why I bury the memories of it and try to live like a normal human.

I wake up from my bed and decide to find some decent clothes. I find a bag full off clothes, when I look in it I see a outfit that's a black shirt with a cameo jacket and black cargo pants.

I'm softly smile when I remember the time I got this with The demon. It was nice.

I decide to put on the outfit and ruffle my hair then put on a head band. I wear a mask on my face and put on a black bucket hat.

I throw on my black boots and stretch a bit, wow it's been awhile since I've changed clothes, it's nice.

I grab my old wallet and keys and head out I decide not to take my car because I don't necessarily want people knowing I'm home.

I head over to a hair salon, as soon as I walk in everyone looks at me. I can't tell if they think I'm hot or weird.

Well I didnt cut my hair for a full year. I know I shaved but I just didn't wanna cut my hair. So I had about shoulder length hair.

They get me seated and ask what I want. I asked for a under cute hair style but still keeping my hair long (so the hair he has now in real life.)

They agree but I also tell them I would like my hair blonde. From my regular black hair, I just wanted to change myself completely.

It takes about 3 hours and I finally get to see the review. I just nod and thank them for what the did.

I pay them and head over to the mall. I go to a couple of stores. I buy a range of clothes, the style slowly changed to how I normally dress and I'm not mad about it.

After I'm done getting clothes I go over to the Apple store. Weirdly there's been a couple people who stopped and asked for a photo.

Saying I looked like a kpop star or whatever. I would just do a peace sign and move on with my day.

Anyway I talk to a worker at the Apple store and decide to get a black iPhone pro max. I get everything done and for the first time in years Apple didn't take forever.

I also choose to go to the food court and grab some food. As I'm eating I just look around. It's been so long since I've been around people.

It's kinda weird. This use to be my life but then I chose to go away for a bit. I download some apps on my phone, I play around a bit tell I decide to make a social media account.

A new one at least. Seeing if Namjoons account is still the same I go on, and of course it is. It looks like him and Jin adopted more pets instead of kids and I laugh at it.

I also see that the made posts on me and how the keep a photo of me in their house. My eyes droop when I see it. It makes me sad knowing I put them threw it.

But I almost killed my ex lover, of course I'd run away. Even though its peaceful having no one near me, I feel as though it's right to let Namjoon know I'm ok.

I comment "I'm still here, idiot." And laugh a bit. I'm sure he won't believe it's me cause it's a random account.

Not even 30 minutes later I get a text on social media. It's Namjoon messaging the account.

"Is this really you? I mean I know I'm dumb but I won't take chances in pushing stuff like this away if it means finding you."

I smile at the message. "It's me, you fuckwaud. Before you tell everyone around you even Koya and RJ. I'd like to meet you alone. Come to my house."

I end the message there and get up from the table. I throw my trash away and head home.

On the other hand, Namjoon is trying not to cry or say anything to Jin. He tells Jin he's going to the store and he'll be back later.

He instantly gets in the car and heads to my house.

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