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We wake up to a loud sound of both of our phones ringing.

We had set an alarm so we wouldn't be late, but let's just say, that last sound was the last alarm we had set and we were most definitely going to be late.

Luckily they don't really know that we're coming.

"Hey Hoseok." I shake him trying to wake him. "Hunny?" He just groans moving onto his side. I smile "Baby wake up."

At this point he's not waking up or listening to me and I'm kinda getting pissed.

"Hey Demon, get the fuck up." I hear a low growl as he looks at me pissed. "The fuck did you just call me?"

I slightly gulp but roll my eyes "Maybe if you woke up the first time then you wouldnt have herd me call you that."

He quickly gets up and shoves me down on the bed "Maybe is you were a good little kitten and kissed me to wake me up then we would be out by now."

I smile at him and look in his eyes "Will the little baby let me kiss him." I say in a teasing voice while pouting.

I can tell it's irking him and I try to hold in my laugh. But it's all gone when he presses his lips on mine.

Fully taking over the kiss and leaving me breathless. "Oh little baby can't handle a simple kiss?" This time Hoseok laughed while I looked away a bit annoyed.

"Ok baby let's get going." I nod as he gets off of me and goes to the bathroom.

"Wanna take a shower together or are you still sore?" I throw a pillow at him as he laughs loudly walking into the bathroom.

"Fuck you!!" He peaks out the bathroom "I mean I wouldn't mind round thre-" I throw another pillow at him which lands on his face.

I laugh as he just rolls his eyes. "Come on get up." I groan holding my back.

"I actually don't know if I can." Hoseok sighs and comes over to me. "Turn over." I give him a questioning look.

He rolls his eyes for the hundredth time. "I'm not going to touch you, I'm helping you." I just eye him as I turn onto my stomach.

He grabs my waist pressing down on it. "Ow!!" He stops "This will hurt but it will help after, just trust me." I just nod while in pain.

He slowly starts to give me massage all over my body. After about 10 minutes, I feel my body relax and most of my muscles feel less tense.

He stops and kiss the back of my neck. "Ok baby, get up, we have to get ready." I get up and fall on the bed surprised.

"You ok?" I nod "Yea actually, I am." He laughs at me as I slowly get up and get ready.

It dosent take long before we are done and head out.

"Are you sure I should come along? I'm sure Jin will want my head." I laugh a bit but nod grabbing his hand.

"Of course, they miss you a lot." He smiles. "But not as much as you right?" I smile and kiss his hand.

"Debatable." He looks at me shocked as I just laugh at him. "I'm joking. Yes, I missed you way more."

We get to the house and I take a deep breath. We head up to the door and knock.

I hear the slow footsteps of Namjoon and the dogs.

Once he opens the door his eyes widen. "Hoseok?"

"Hunny who's at the door?" Jin looks up to see Hoseok and he just faints.

Well shit.

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