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It felt weird, he's always in my head. It feels so...different, will it go away?

I decided to get out of my bed because I couldn't fall asleep, last night was just so weird.

"If only there was a place you could go that was peaceful and had nights like these."

It's exactly what I said in my dream to none other then him. Is it because he's a demon? Did he look through my dreams?

No he wouldn't do that, would he. I go to my sink and wash up my face. When I look up I see the demon instead of me.

I jump and scream a bit slamming my back into the wall. I slowly start to fall when I notice it was just my mind playing games.

I clench my heart and breath slowly. Maybe it's getting to much, maybe it's because he's a demon that I'm like this.

I shake my head and get up walking into my kitchen grabbing some water and instantly drink it.

I rub my forehead and sigh deeply. I wonder how's the deal going with Jimin. I need him back, I think I'm going insane without him.

I decide to take this day to go out to the bar.
I walk in and see my good friend "Hey Yoongi!" I wave at him "Hey, how's it going." He just smiles.

"Going good, business is going well, how about you? Haven't seen you in forever." I just sigh "I'm alright, I got a promotion to secretary."

Jackson's eyes widen "Really? I've herd no one has seen the boss that works there. What does he look like."

I think about what the demo- Hoseok said "I have no clue, I never really see him and I always have to give him his schedules on his desk before he gets there or through phone."

Jackson just frowns his brows "really? That's gotta suck." I chuckle "Not really, he sends funny messages and work is really easy." I don't notice me smiling but I am.

"Well Yoongi it really seems you got over Jimin." My heart drops. Jimin.... right Jimin. How could I forget, Jimin is the one I love.

Wait love? It's not like I loved that dem- his name is Hoseok... it's Hoseok not demon.

How could I forget about our deal. I only need Jimin that's it. I mean I never forgot about him, I thought about it today! but it seems as if Hoseok has been in my mind more then Jimin now.

I look up at Jackson "Ha no I'm not over him, if anything I need him now more then ever." Jackson sees the smile I had fade , his face falls and starts to worry.

"I know it's not my place but you need to forget about him." I look at him confused and a bit angry "Yea it's not your place so stay out of it." I gulp my drink down and give him money as I leave.

"I need to forget about him? yea, right." I walk to a near by park and sit on a bench. Me and Jimin use to go here all the time.

Memories start flooding my mind and I feel myself drown in my own sorrows.

I hear foot steps come near me, as I look up I see it's..... Hoseok?

Authors note

Since IU X SUGAS song came out, I decided to post the new chapter early!! (Also never went to sleep)

Things are getting juicy and Yoongi is now saying Hoseoks name and not demon.

Is his feelings getting strong or is it just friends and respect???!!

Who knows! STREAM EIGHT!!!

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