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It's been about 1 week and can I say secretary work for your demon boss is annoying but also really easy.

The process of getting Jimin back is going slow but the demon said he may have a lead. I do wish it can go quicker, seeing the photos on what was our wall hurts me.

On most days then not I tend to wish we never got in that fight. Yea he would still be working like hell but at least he would still be with me....

Most times then not I'm staring at my lock screen of him, I just want him back... I need him back.

In the middle of my sad memories I hear the elevator door ping. I get up a bit fast, excited to hear the update he has for me.

"Hello sir, today's meetings are at 2pm, 3:30pm and 5pm" he nods and continues to walk to his office.

I follow him to his office and stay quiet tell he sits down. He sighs and looks at me "Yes?" I frown a bit but pick myself back up. "You were gonna tell me about the news about Jimin."

He looks up at me and sighs "right, I've found out that he's staying at a friends place and that his job has been feeding him more work. Though luckily I'll be able to buy the company if I want to."

It's nothing I didn't technically know but it's still nice to know he's doing ok. "But aren't you going to work in that company?" He nods and stands up "Since no one really knows what I look like and if they do I can erase their memory, it will be easy for me to slip in."

I just nod and smile a bit "Alright well I'll leave it to you then, I'll head back to my desk." I stop for a second because it looks like he wants to say something to me but stops.

I just turn around and go back to work. I sit down at my desk and start working. The demon said that he was staying with a friend, but what friend, he didn't have a lot.

Was it the people he went clubbing with..... dose he not care to check on me, to see if I'm ok. Am I not worth his time anymore.

"He Yoongi stop, I can feel your depression from my office." I jump a bit but stop.

After work I go home, something seems off, I do what I regularly do which is grab a drink from the fridge and head to the couch.

I undo my tye and turn the TV on, I sigh as I basically down my drink. I decide to
walk into Jimins office, but stop in my tracks instantly.

All of his stuff is now gone, before it was just all his work and a few things but his computer and even his desk is gone.

He went as far as to take his furniture.... It breaks my heart, I just feel numb. I walk to the kitchen grabbing a whine bottle.

I go back to the couch and sit down, I drink half of the bottle and throw my head back on the couch.

I put my arm over my eyes as I start to cry. I've never really cried at all since I met Jimin but now it feels like that's all I do.

At this point I'm messy crying, I just can't pull myself together. It really hurts me, I can't stop.

I slowly start to fall asleep with the bottle in my hand, practically cuddling it. As I'm about passed out I feel someone touch me.

"Your pathetic, honestly." I can't help but think it's Jimin. "When did you get so strong." I say In slur. "Hm I don't know, maybe I always have been." I just chuckle in my sleep and snuggle closer in Jimins hold.

I feel myself being put down on the bed. I can feel him leaving so I grab his shirt. "D-dont go, please..... I need you." As I say those words the air around me changes, as if it's negative energy.

I leave it be as I feel Jimins hands on my face. As I'm about pass out I faintly hear words. "Why do you let him treat you like this." I laugh in my sleep and turn around "What do you mean? Jimin there's no one else."

Before I knew it I herd a door slam and I instantly woke up. "Ugh must have been nothing. I was having such a great dream about jimin." I roll back in bed and pass out.

Not realizing that the door slamming shut was due to me calling the demon Jimin.

Authors note
Ahhhh were getting to the 20s chapters!!! The story is about to get juicy

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