Wan' Me To Show You?

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*So this one is a little dirtier, cause Danny shows Linda how to masturbate. Skip if you like. Mature*

"Danny? I.... uh... I have a-a confession to make," Linda O'Shea, now Reagan, looked down at her hands as she and her new husband stood in the hotel room.
"What? You're nervous? That's normal."
"No, uh, I, uh... I've never actually... orgasmed before."
Danny looked at his brand new wife, a quizzical expression on his face. "Not ever?"
"Not even on your own?"
"What?" Linda looked at him, confusion on her face.
"You mean you never pleasured yourself before?" He repeated
She shook her head, her blonde hair waving at her shoulders.
"Not ever?"
And suddenly, Danny was much more attracted to the young woman he had married.
"I mean... I know people do it. Guys do it all the time— no offense to your gender," Linda held up her hands much like Janice from Friends when she delivered her signature line.
The husband held his hands up in the same manner, "none taken."
"I guess girls do it, too, but not me. I've never done it. And I- I don't know how..." she looked down, seemingly embarrassed.
"It's not as good as the real thing, but it's good... wan' me to show you?"
Linda nodded, intrigued as to what that would entail.
"Now, for you, it's gonna be different, because-"
"Female," Linda shrugged, pointing to herself. She was naked, facing Danny, who was naked as well. It was the next day, after they had had sex together for the first time. She was curious and scared all at the same time.
"Right. So.... ya ready?"
Linda bit her lip as she nodded, her heart thudding against her chest.
"Touch yourself." The command was harsh and to the point.
"Touch yourself. Rub your thighs, your torso, your breasts."
"Build up."
Linda furrowed her brow, but started slowly running her hands over herself. Cautiously, her hands ran over her breasts; she gave them a squeeze, and seemed surprised at herself. She heard Danny's small grunt of approval, and continued to touch herself.
When her breathing changed, Danny took her hand. He maneuvered her fingers so she was pointing up at the ceiling. "Rub yourself up an' down like so." He gently maneuvered her finger over her clit, and watched her eyes flutter closed. He kept that up for a bit, then switched to rubbing back and forth. He watched her chest rise and fall quickly; and he felt himself getting turned on. "Okay. I'm gonna slid your finger in, then gently move it around."
Linda bit her lip once more and nodded, her eyes still closed. It felt weird at first, but quickly that feeling went away. She moaned softly, not daring to open her eyes.
Once Danny felt her doing the motions along with him, he let go. "You're doing good, Linda." He watched as she somewhat cautiously copied the finger movements. She swallowed, and felt satisfied after a few moments. She opened her eyes and smiled at Danny, who smiled back. She looked down at her finger, seemingly contemplating how something as frequently used as a finger could make her feel good. Her eyes moved slightly past her finger, the pupils almost immediately growing twice in size. "Wow." She couldn't take her eyes off her husband's erect penis.
"See how sexy it is?"
"Yeah," she nodded, seemingly mesmerized. Last night was just straight, plain, normal sex. It was awkward, and a far cry from what it would become between the two. Linda cocked her head once again, and, before she knew what she was doing, she reached out and grabbed Danny.
Danny moaned his approval. He knew Linda was new to all of this, maybe he needed to teach her how to give a basic blow job.
"How exactly do I do that to you?"

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