Chapter 8: Laughter

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Song// Moon by Sleeping At Last
Highly recommended//put on repeat

Isabella's POV
"Why do I even have to deal with you?!" Grayson yelled at me...again.

"Because we're handcuffed!" I scoffed at him.

"No fucking shit!" He said throwing one of his hands in the air.

I know he doesn't like it and gets offended when I flinch, so I try not to. I don't know why, but sometimes I can't help it. It's not like I've ever been abused by anyone before, so I don't understand why my body would react this way.

"Look, it's not candy land for me either, dipshit!" I screamed at him.

"Why won't you just shut the fuck up for once?!" He groaned to himself.

"Or else what?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You're such a fucking bitch, no one likes you! Especially not me! Stupid, fucking worthless, piece of shit asshole!" He groaned in frustration.

My angry face dropped in an instant and I looked away from Grayson. Suddenly, my heart felt full of sadness as I realized that he just muttered the very few things he's never called me.

The ones that actually hurt.

I've always felt worthless before. I've felt like a piece of shit, too; but Grayson's never called me those things before. Especially over something meaningless.

We were fighting over YouTube. Fucking YouTube. I have a fire stick on my tv, and it was my turn to pick a video but he disagreed with my choice and just got heated.

He always seems to find out how to create such an enormous argument out of nothing. It's like, he wants me to keep hating him.

Grayson noticed my saddened facial expression and dropped his upset attitude. My eyes began to well up with tears, unwillingly. I tried to tell myself to stop and just suck it up, but I couldn't help it.

I couldn't help but mentally agree with what Grayson said about me. It's like, a part of me said "you know what? You're right" to every insult he said to me just now. I knew it was the truth...

Which is why I guess it hurts so much to hear.

"Isabella, I-"

Grayson trailed his sentence off into silence right before he noticed my watery eyes. He walked closer to me and was stunned to see a tear fall down my cheek. His breath hitched and all I could do was stand there and cry.

I couldn't really do anything else. It's not like I can walk away, or even get some privacy. It's humiliating to let someone see you cry; especially if that person was the reason behind it.

"Wh- I-...Bells, I'm sorry." Grayson apologized in sincerity.

He gently grabbed onto my arms and pulled my body up against his. Then, he just wrapped his strong arms around me (the best he could with the handcuffs). He hugged me like he was comforting a sad child. That's what it felt like, at least.

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