Chapter 32: Never Truly Know

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No song today :(

Isabella's POV
"I can't believe we have school again next week." I said quietly to Grayson as he snuggled beside me.

"Do we really?" He scoffed in surprise.

"Not if we ditch." I chuckled.

"Isabella!" He gasped as he sat up in bed.

"We, as Americans, have the privilege to gain access to a free education system that will set us up for the future." He went on.

"You're a dumbass." I giggled at his sarcastic statement.

"Word usage, such as that, proves that you need to engage more in intellectual content when in school." He went on with a sarcastic sneer.

"Oh my God, shut up." I laughed at his comments.

"But, for real, we can't skip." Grayson shrugged.

"You are the lamest person I've ever met." I huffed with a small grin.

"What?! Why?" He giggled.

"You don't want to spend more time together?" I asked, trying to convince him to ditch the first week back.

"Not cuffed." He chuckled.

my small grin disappeared as the small comment escaped his lips. My eyebrows curved up in offensive curiosity. Once Grayson noticed my sudden change in expression, his smile faded away as well.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't want to be cuffed to me anymore?" I asked with offense laced in my voice.

I know I might be making this a bigger deal than it needs to be, but what if we're not on the same page?

"No." He replied honestly.

"I mean, I want to be with you, just not cuffed together. At least, not all the time." Grayson winked at me towards the end of his sentence. I rolled my eyes and let out a small giggle.

"Believe it or not, I enjoy pooping without your company. In fact, I prefer it." He teased.

"Okay, okay I get it." I laughed at his comments.

"Good, stop overthinking. You do that too much." He replied as he continued to snuggle beside me in bed.

"Do not." I scoffed.

Grayson looked me in the eyes and tilted his head. When I made no reaction, he lifted his eyebrows, causing me to smile a bit.

"Okay, fine, whatever." I admit sheepishly.

"Let's just make the best of our time. While we still have it." He said to me as he crawled over my body.

"And how would we do that?" I smirked as he cupped my cheek.

"Let's start off with this." He said quietly to me as he began moving closer to me.

Grayson lowered his head and rested his forehead on mine. He planted a long kiss on my lips as his thumb slowly began to caress my cheekbone.

"And this." He mumbled to me after backing away from our kiss.

He leaned back in and kissed me again, but with more force. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and tangled it with my tongue.

The kiss was sweet yet very sensual at the same time. Then, all of a sudden, Grayson started kissing my cheek and traveled down my neck.

I let out a deep sigh as he began to lightly suck on my tender skin. Things were escalating between Grayson and I, and we didn't mind one bit.

"And...this." He said slowly.

He grabbed my hands and lifted them above my head; pinning them down on the soft pillow. My stomach became infested with butterflies as Grayson started lifting my shirt off witch his other hand.

Once my shirt was rolled up to my shoulders, he started to kiss down my torso. Every now and then I would feel him sucking on my stomach, which only excited me even more.

Suddenly, my mind started to race with multiple thoughts per second. Thoughts about what's happening. Thoughts about Grayson's motives. Thoughts about returning to school.

Thoughts about fear.

I was afraid of what might happen if Grayson and I return to school the way we are right now. Would people except it?

You'd think they will, considering the enormous amount of effort they spent on cuffing Grayson and I. But you never really know.

Will my friends accept our relationship? Emma? James?

Would Graysons friends still accept him if he changed his behavior at school? If he'll change his behavior at all?

What if he goes back to being cold and distant? What if, this whole time, Grayson's been playing me? Does he truly have feelings for me?

What if it was all fake?

I know I shouldn't have such a negative mindset such as this, but I can't help myself. I can't help but wonder if everything Grayson says is true. I can't help but wonder if Grayson will change.

I'm not trying to change him, I just want to change the way he impacts others. I want to change the way he sees the world. Change the way he sees love.

I don't know if he loves me back, but I'm very certain that he doesn't quite believe in love; let alone trust it.

And if he does, I think he's afraid of it.

That would explain why he pushed everyone away. I'm the only exception, but it's probably because we're stuck together. Would he have trusted me with personal information, had we not been cuffed?

All these questions and theories are messing with my mind, and the thought of uncertainty about Grayson's feelings are only making matters worse.

Does he love me? Will he continue our relationship after returning to school? Was this all an elaborate prank? Or just something for Grayson to be entertained by to pass the time?

I guess I'll never truly know.

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