Chapter 35: I Hate You

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Song//I Can't Make You Love Me by David Thomas Junior
Highly recommended// put on repeat

(Play when I say)

Isabella's POV
The hot water trickled down my body as my face was submerged in it. I lathered my scalp to wash away the soap and took a deep breath.

This is the day.

Today Grayson and I get our cuffs off, and I'm scared.

He already hurt me yesterday, so I can only imagine what pain awaits for me today. The day we face everyone and tell them if we've improved our behavior towards each other.

I know it's none of their business, but it's so Grayson and I can actually get the cuffs taken off of us.

But the main reason why I'm so scared, is because I'm going to have to face Grayson everyday. Usually, I'm able to avoid him, but the principal has us helping the janitor all this week.

I have no choice but to face him.

At least once everyday. Which is one too many times a day, for me. He hurt me, why would I want to relive that pain over again?

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by an intrusion. I gasped as the glass door opened and instantly covered myself the best I could with my current situation.

Once I saw Grayson enter the shower with me, my stomach began to turn. I had mixed feelings about this.

I was happy that he made an effort to come in with me, because a girl needs dick, you know?

But I was still in pain by what he said yesterday. Especially now, knowing that this act of his means nothing but pleasure. That was all it was from the start.

According to him.

Some part of me doesn't want to believe it, but then logic kicks in and steps on whatever hope I was clinging to.

"What? It's not like I haven't seen it before." Grayson giggled as I kept my hand where it was.

I gave him a convincing smile as he slowly came closer to me. I knew what was to come, and I wanted it. I know I do.

I just feel guilty for wanting it.

Grayson wrapped his arms around me as I relaxed my body. He placed his forehead on mine and backed me up against the shower wall. Both of his elbows were inches from my head.

He started kissing me from my cheek down to my neck. He stopped a couple of times to suck on my skin, but not too hard to show marks.

I don't know what got into me, but I just felt this overwhelming urge to break out into tears. Grayson wasn't facing me directly, which was good because I felt some tears begin to stroll down my cheek.

My heart physically began to hurt from all these repressed feelings as my silent cries continued.

I'm not crying because Grayson was being "affectionate". I'm crying because I know it doesn't mean anything to him. Correction: I don't mean anything to him.

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