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Thank you all for the questions you left! There were a lot of good ones, and I can tell that there's gonna be some tea spilling rnnn 😯

Anyway, here are your questions answered by the characters! Enjoy.

Q's For Isabella:

Q: Please think about what Grayson said about making up with your mom sis, he might be right you never know.
A: I know, but she's caused a lot of pain in my life and it's an understatement to say it'll be hard to open that part of myself to her. I'm working on it.

Q: Use a condom sis
A: For...? Oh! Uhm, I don't think that'll be necessary. 😳 Thanks for your concern.

Q: You good?
A: Of course I am. Just confused, is all.

Q: Are you planning to admit your feelings to Grayson?
A: Honestly? I don't plan to, but I'll probably blurt it out like an idiot sometime soon.

Q: I'm a bilingual bitch, sorry if my questions aren't correct, thanks, love you
A: Please, I'm only fluent in English and I still manage to mess that up. You're good, and ilyt ♥️

Q: What do you think will happen after the cuffs come off?
A: I haven't really thought about that...maybe things will be as they are now? I hope better, but I'm pretty sure we'd at least stay friends.

Q: Are you n Grayson gonna fuck? 😏

Q: Do you miss Emma and James?
A: Of course I do, they're my best friends. I text them every now and then, but I wish I could hang out with them. Too bad they don't know the Grayson I know now.

Q's For Grayson:

Q: Do you like Isabella?
A: She's a great friend, of course I do. Unless you mean...like-like her, then I don't know.

Q: Why couldn't you be the bigger person and just apologize?
A: Pride and ego is one hell of a drug.

Q: Do you have feelings for Isabella?
A: In a romantic way? I don't know...

Q: Grayson, sweetie, what's wrong? I know something is bothering you :/
A: I just...I don't know if I can be myself and not mess things up.

Q: Why do you live by yourself and not with your twin?
A: Competition led us to where we're at. That's all I'm going to say.

Q: That dance, with Isabella, did that mean something to you?
A: It did, it was the safest I've ever felt but I was anxious at the same time.

Q: What will you do once the cuffs come off?
A: Maybe punch my brother...or not. Definitely still hanging with B though. She's chill.

Q: Why are you so mean?
A: Sometimes, the best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.

Q: Dtf?
A: No thanks.

Q's For Ethan:

Q: Let's fuck?
A: I do not have the facilities for that big man.

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