Chapter 1

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(A/n: one of my friends complained about the chapter name cause it was different from the others so I fixed it, happy now?)

"Jisung! I don't want to go!" I yelled as my older brother pouts and looks at me with sad eyes. "Don't look at me like that." I said bluntly, Jisung whines "Please y/n! It's just this one time!" "I said no" Jisung rolled his eyes and picked me up off the bed, throwing me over his shoulder. "If you say no one more time I will make you dizzy." I giggled and let out a little "no" that's when Jisung started spinning a bit too quickly, as my laughs got louder I got dizzier. "That's enough Jisung! You're going to make us both sick!" I stated while slapping his back, then sighed "Fine I'll go." Jisung cheered then put me down "Thank you y/n! You are the best sibling anyone could ask for!" He wrapped me in a tight hug that I tried my best to squirm out of. "You only want me to go cause I'm your ride there." I claimed.

You see I learned how to drive and bought a car while Jisung bought the apartment. Our parents sadly passed away quite a while ago now and left us a big sum of money, Jisung thought it would be best if we stuck together and lived in the same apartment so we did.

Jisung pushes me into my bathroom "Hurry and get ready! You stink!" He said laughing "Ok ok, just cause you're older than me doesn't mean I can't beat your ass!" I threatened as he ran out of my bedroom and into his own, probably to get ready.

I finished getting ready and walked out of my bathroom to see Jisung sprawled out on my bed. "What are you doing? I thought you wanted me to go to your stupid party?" I said, leaning against the door frame. "I do. Can't you see I'm already done?" He stood up and gave me a twirl to which I snickered at. I looked at his outfit and asked him "I thought we were going to party, why are you wearing your normal nerdy ass clothes?" Jisung looked at me offended "Excuse me little'un but my clothes aren't nerdy! And it's not like we need to be fancy, it's just chans party." The room filled with silence..




"yOu dIdNT tElL mE iT waS ChAnS pArTy!" I screeched at Jisung "I didn't think it was important!" Jisung defended. "OF COURSE ITS IMPORTANT, YOU TWAT! THATS CHRISTOPHER FUCKN BANG YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!" Jisung looked at me with the most disappointed face "He's just a human.." "YEAH! A FINE SPECIMEN OF HUMAN!" I retorted, Jisung rolled his eyes "Are you ready now?" "No! Now I gotta try harder!" I walked back into my bathroom. As I was getting ready I heard Jisung groan...

"Are you ready now?!" Jisung yelled, getting impatient "Don't use that tone with me mister and for your information, yes I am ready." I walked out of my bedroom and down the halls towards the front door where Jisung was waiting "Finally! God you take forever." Jisung complained while I punched his arm and grabbed my keys ready to leave.

While driving down Chans road, we could hear the music get louder and the lights grow brighter.. I feel so bad for Chan's neighbours.. Jisung snickered and I looked over at him "what?" "Hm? Oh I thought you realised you said that out loud." I looked at him in surprise "WAIT! I sAiD tHAt oUT loUd?!" Jisung laughed harder and nodded his head. "God this is going to be a long night.."

"Good luck y/n!" He yelled and got out the car, jogging over to the busy house. I took the keys out of the car and rested my head on the steering wheel "I'm not going to make it through this night." I opened my car door and stepped out into the crisp night air. I quickly walked into the house to see a bunch of people drinking, dancing and laughing. Let's just say I definitely don't fit in here, I'm too much of an antisocial person to be at a party as big as this. I looked round to see a bunch of 20-24 year olds.. please don't say I'm the youngest here. Being 18 has its pros and cons but right now it's definitely a con. I walked round to see if I can find Jisung anywhere, lucky for me he is loud enough to just follow his voice.

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