Chapter 5

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Jisung rubbed the back of his neck and smiled "My amazing sibling, y/n.." I rolled my eyes as he tried to butter me up for whatever he has planned. "Y/n please listen! Look my friend needs a place to stay, I can't let him live on the street with his cats!" I turned my attention to him "Did you say cats?" "Uh yeah he has 3: soonie, doongie and dori-" "HE CAN STAY!" I yelled out cutting him off, Jisung looked at me surprised "well that was easy.." I bounced up and down in excitement "we are getting cats! We are getting cats!" Jisung was about to say something but then decided against it and kept his mouth shut.

I was sitting in my bed scrolling through Instagram while waiting for 10 pm to come by so I can go to sleep, Jisung then came into my room and sat at the end of my bed. "Umm y/n?" He said quietly. "Yes Jisung?" I replied, he looked nervous for a second before he answered "You're not mad that he will be staying in your study right? It's just that I can't give mine up yet cause exams are coming up and-" I cut him off by holding his hand and giving it a squeeze "Jisung.. dont worry about it, okay? I know you're study is important to you right now as it's your final year in school so I don't mind giving mine up for a while, I want you to do well in your exams.. Mum and dad will be very proud of you." I gave Jisung a sad smile before he suffocated me in his arms. "Jisung?" He sniffled in response "Han Jisung, do not tell me you are crying right now?" I patted his back. "I'm definitely not crying right now" He said with multiple little voice cracks, I laughed a little then pulled away and wiped his tears. " I swear you are too soft for this world." He looked at me with a slight frown "I am not soft! I'm very manly!" I chuckled at him "yes very manly.. now go to bed we have school tomorrow!" I pushed him away so he got up and headed to the door. He looked back slightly and smiled "Goodnight y/n.. and thank you" He then walked off leaving me to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I swear Jisung broke my door as he booted it open. "Oh y/n! It's a beautiful morning to go to school!" Jisung bounced around my room and flung my curtains open. I groaned and turned over so the blinding sunlight wasn't in my eyes. I opened one eye to look at my alarm clock "6:30.."




WAIT 6:30?! I shot out of bed and glared at Jisung. He looked at me with a sheepish grin "have mercy..?" I got up and chased after him while he ran off shrieking "HAN FUCKN JISUNG! YOU WOKE ME UP AT 6:30?!" Jisung giggled and kept running "THIS IS TOO EARLY FOR YOU STUPID GAMES! I NOW HAVE TO WAIT 2 HOURS UNTIL I GO TO SCHOOL!" I jumped onto Jisungs back and he grabbed onto me quickly. "I hate you" I said as he carried me to the kitchen, he smiled "no you don't."

Jisung and I were eating breakfast and drinking some coffee. He finally looked up at me and said: "Do you not want to know who's moving in?" I thought to myself, kinda surprised that I hadn't ask that yet "Of course I wanna know! I completely forgot to ask!" He just grinned and sipped his coffee "Welp you won't know until he moves in now." I gave Jisung the worst death glare I could conjure at 6:30 in the morning! "You dickhead.." I mumble "That's 20 p you owe to the swear jar now" I was about to say something back but realised I didn't want to lose any more money so I just sipped my coffee. "Anyway, a bed and some other things that he has delivered should be coming over this week so we can set up his room for him." I groaned at the fact that it was going to be effort to change my study to a bedroom "Don't worry we'll brake it up into sections so you can I have some free time." Jisung said which made me slightly happy "Fine! When is he going to move in?" I asked "Next weekend apparently"

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