Chapter 14

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"Suffer the consequences shit head!"

Minho struggled under ash, trying to get out of their grip. I watched as chan stood from his place on the couch with a grin on his face to pick up Minho. As chan put Minho down, ash sat next to me once again and Jisung was the first to speak "so.. care to explain what's going on between you two?" I looked awkwardly towards Minho as he sat there trying to figure out what to say. He was going to say a response but stumbled on his words and then gave up trying to speak in general. Jisung gripped the cushion that he had pulled into his hands "If you use my sibling I'm going to hit you with a bus" jisung then started beating the crap out Minho with the cushion he had in his hands. Chan and Ash thought it would be a good idea to join in so they grabbed some cushions and started beating Minho up too. I laughed and stood back, not wanting to get involved. Minho reached his hand out for me to help him but I only stood further back with my hands in a surrendering position "Yah! Don't be a traitor y/n, help me!" He yelled but it was muffled by the cushions, I only laughed and felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me. I swayed and dismissed myself from the others so I could go rest for a bit.

I woke up at 6:30 the next morning, I sat up and looked out the window. I smiled at the rising sun and got out off bed to get ready for the day ahead of me. I don't know what time the others left as I was fast asleep by the time they had left.

I walked into the kitchen at around 7:45, I made myself and Jisung some breakfast. He was surprised to see me fully ready so early in the morning as normally I'm the one to get out of bed at the last minute. We sat and watched tv before heading out to school.

I slipped into my seat and waited for class to begin. Minho walked in with a boy trailing behind him. I recognised that it was the boy called Jeongin from the party,  he was gazing down at the ground seemingly shy. Minho introduced him to the class, Jeongin bowed and said hello then took a seat next to me as I was the only person he recognised except Minho.

It was halfway through Minhos class when I felt a little tap on my shoulder, I turned my head slightly to see Jeongin trying to pass me a note. I grabbed the note out of his hand and put it on my desk. A little smile spread across my face as I read the note, all it said was: 'Hello y/n~' I greeted him too then handed the note back to him, I watched him read it then write back immediately. We kept up a casual conversation in the notes until I ended up laughing at Jeongin, everyone noticed and stared at us. Minho did not seem impressed and crossed his arms before taking the note from us and reading it. After reading it, minho seemed more pissed and he threw the note away.

The lunch bell rung and everyone rushed out of their seats and towards the canteen. The whole day, including break time, Jeongin followed me round like a little lost puppy. I do have to admit that it was kinda cute how he did that. We got into the canteen and lined up for our lunch. After we had received our trays we headed over to Jisungs table. Felix and Changbin greeted us first, while ash and Jisung didn't even realise we were there as they were too busy talking to each other. Jeongin and I spent most of the time talking and joking around, considering we only just fully met I think we were getting to be close friends already. Our group kind of split into 3, we had: Ash with jisung, Felix with Changbin and me with Jeongin. It felt a bit weird not talking to the others but they seemed like they were having fun with each other.

Our last lesson seemed like it dragged on forever but when it was finally over I was told to stay behind by Minho once again. I said my goodbyes to Jeongin and he gave me a small hug before running off to go home. I sat on my desk waiting for Minho to be finished packing up his stuff. When he packed his bag, he turned around to look at me then slowly walked towards me. My nerves started to catch up to me as he got closer. "So y/n, what did you think about Jeongin?" He said clearly with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I swallowed hard, thinking of an answer "He's a nice guy and funny I guess.." I replied quite quietly. Minho rolled his eyes "Don't go catching feelings.." he walked away "Let's go!" He grabbed his bag and I followed shyly behind him.

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