Chapter 24

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"WAKEY WAKE-" Ash had burst through the door only to stop in their tracks abruptly. I shot up immediately and came into contact with another persons head. I yelped in pain and grabbed the spot on my head that I had hit. I glared at the person in front of me, that person turned out to be Minho. My face changed from anger to confusion "what happened-" "You're not naked are you?" Ash interrupted and I immediately raised the sheets to check, I sighed in relief as I saw both of us were dressed. "No!" I pushed Minho out of my bed "why where you in my bed?!" I yelled, slightly flustered. He rubbed his head as he sat on the ground "I don't remember.." Ash snickered at us "Y/n get dressed, we are going out" they then paused for a second while turning around to leave "and Minho, I hope you haven't forgotten what you are doing today." He only nodded in response and ash left my room. I sat there shocked "Since when do you and Ash plan things behind my back?" He laughed and pushed me out of my bed "None of your business. Now go get ready!"

I had rushed into the bathroom and got dressed quickly. I styled my hair then applied light makeup to my eyes and concealed any flaws I had on my skin. I walked out to see Minho still lying on my bed, phone in hand. "what you doing~?" I asked but he only moved his phone away so I couldn't see it, I frowned. "what are you hiding from me?" I jumped onto him and he grunted "get offff! You're heavy" he tried pushing me away but I rolled back onto his lap "Wow that is so rude" he only laughed in response. "Not even an apology" I tutted at him then got up to walk out of the room "I'm going now so I'll see you later. That's if you're still here." I left as he mumbled something under his breath.

I entered the front room to see Ash and Kate waiting on the couch for me. "Fuckn finally! You took your time." Ash complained and Kate just nudged them in their side, they both stood up and started heading towards the door. Before I left, I gave Jisung a quick hug and told him my goodbyes. We exited the building to get into Kates and drive to the shopping centre.

When we arrived I expected it to be more crowded than it was. I took this opportunity to mess around and started dancing to TikTok songs on my phone, Kate pulled her hood up so people wouldn't recognise her and claimed that she was not with us when Ash started to join in too. We laughed it off and pulled kate towards us "THESE ARE MY BEST FRIENDS!" I shouted and people finally started looking at us, Kate tried pulling away once again but we held onto her tighter "I am not with you two" she said as her cheeks flushed red from the embarrassment.

After that chaos was finished, we were immediately drawn to a music store that sold albums. Ash pulled kate and I towards the k-pop section as soon as they noticed it. We scanned all the shelves to find some albums that we liked. Ash started picking all the albums from the shelves that they were interested in, I looked at them shocked "how are you affording all of that?" I asked, kind of concerned, Ash grinned then pulled out their dads credit card. "He didn't.." Kate said amazed but Ash shook their head while scoffing "Pfff, I wish but no. I stole it!" We cheered as we all hate Ash's dad, he was an ignorant little shit who paid no attention to Ash at all. I picked a Seventeen album and we waited for Kate to be finished.

About half an hour later, Kate had finally decided what album to pick. She ignored all our moaning then walked towards the cash registers, Ash and I followed closely behind her. Ash's total came to about £900 because they bought about 30 different albums, Kate and I stood there frozen in our places, shocked at the total it had come to.

We walked around a bit more, just messing around and talking until Kate's stomach growled signalling that we should probably go get some lunch. I ordered some food from SubWay then sat with the other two at the table they had just managed to snatch up. We ate silently, enjoying our food that we had just obtained. Eventually Ash's phone had pinged, they took it into their hands quickly then stood up "We need to take y/n back to the apartment" I looked between Ash and Kate confused but Kate only nodded and gave me no indication of why we needed to leave so suddenly, none the less I followed them hoping it was not an emergency. 

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