Chapter 25

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Not even a minute later Ash had rushed into the room too, trying to restrain a tipsy Jisung from fighting Minho. I felt Minho hide behind me and stare at Jisung over my shoulder like I was his human shield. "Pussy" I leaned back to say him "Don't you start" he growled at me and slapped my ass, I looked back at him with a shocked expression but he just grinned. I soon turned back and locked eyes with Jisung, who had finally been put in a headlock by Ash, his eyes looked liked they held hell inside them. Ash seemed to notice this too and quickly dragged him out the room before coming back in to ask a question "Do you have any handcuffs by any chance?" I got out of the den and crawled to my draw then threw the handcuffs to Ash. They laughed at me "I can't believe you still have these" then they headed out the room, Minho looked between the door then back at me "What- Do I want to know? Cause that seems like kinky shit" I laughed until my legs became numb and fell to the ground because of his sudden comment. He crawled over and poked me "Well your mine so don't expect me not to use them on you" He slyly claimed and winked at me, my laughing stopped instantly and a dark blush had spread across my face. Minho seemed shocked "Are you okay? Don't die" he pressed the back of his hand on my forehead "Jesus Christ you feel like a radiator" I pushed his hand away and started walking to the door "Go away" I said quietly before leaving the room.

I walked into the living room to see Jisung handcuffed to the radiator with Ash looking down at him with a victorious smirk "How did you get him on the floor?" I asked, Ash looked at me like i asked the stupidest question in the world "I wrestled him.. Obviously. Then handcuffed him" They let out a laugh of pure evil so I stepped away from them but then they dragged me into a headlock and gave me a noogie . "What- I-" Ash had turned us around to see Minho standing there trying not to laugh. "Why is Jisung here anyway?" I whispered to Ash "I can hear you y/n" Jisung said bluntly, I turned to him and glared "Shut up and go back to being quiet so I forget you bare here" Ash then took us over to the couch where Minho joined us "So here's what happened..." They started.

Ash's POV 1 hour before the break in

We were all sitting around a table in the pub, taking some shots and having a laugh. Kate and Jeongin didn't drink, 1 because they were both going to drive the other members home and 2 because Jeongin wasn't even of age yet so he just sat in the corner a little upset he couldn't drink with the others. But Jisung made up for it as he didn't leave his side and would give him little sips of his drink (like a good boyfriend.. I mean friend.). Jeongin finally left his place to go to the bathroom and that's when I thought of a plan. I slipped into Jeongin's seat and gave a smile to Jisung "What? What do you want?" Jisung asked right away and I looked at him a bit offended "How dare you thing I need something..but.. I do have one question" I said cautiously, he nodded "Okay, ask away" he then took a sip of his drink "Do you like Jeongin?" He spat his drink out immediately at my words and flushed red "I- I might.. Why?" I grinned happily that one of my other ships might get together tonight "Well I think a certain maknae might have a crush-" that's all I could say as a certain young boy came back to the table and stared at me probably because I had robbed his seat. I didn't move an inch and I think Jisung had clicked on to what I was trying to do, he sighed and pulled Jeongin onto his lap then looked at me with a 'happy now' face. I grinned in satisfaction and nodded.

About half an hour late we were all having a big conversation with each other "So why couldn't our little y/n join us but Jeongin could?" Changbin had piped up and Felix decide to grin and add another question "And where is our hoe?" everyone froze, clearly confused "I was talking about Minho, you dipshits" Felix said and took a sip of his drink with clear disappointment on his face, we all laughed and I glanced over at Kate, Chan and Jeongin as they were the only other people who knew about the little date. Jeongin looked a bit tense after that question but he stayed silent, the reason why we had to tell Jeongin was so that he could distract Jisung while Minho set everything up for his plan. On the other hand, Kate seemed to forget that this was supposed to be a secret and blurted out the answer "aren't they on a date?" As soon as those words left her moth Jeongin and I looked at her in horror, we had tried so hard to keep this quiet all day and she just told everyone so easily. Jisung's face went from soft to angry in the matter of milliseconds. "Why did no one tell me?!" Jisung shouted and you could hear the whole pub becoming quiet. Jeongin had tried to hush him immediately because he didn't want to make a big scene, but Jisung had stayed persistent and loud. "Look we didn't tell you because you would react like this and don't you think you are a bit over protective over Y/n like you have never let them have a relationship" Chan had spoke up and Jisung had snapped at him in defence "I have a reason to why I never wanted them to date someone like what if they end up in a toxic relationship? I have to protect them from that, I have to be the man of the house since our parents past away! I need to protect them" Jisung voice broke at the mention of his parents and before i Knew it he was walking out the door and in the directions of the apartments. We didnt go that far as we didn't decide if Kate was going to drink or not so it would be easy for Jisung to get there in less than five minutes. I must have spaced out for a second because i came back to my senses when Jeongin had nudged my side, I took off running after Jisung at that exact moment.

"And that's how we ended up here" I had finally finished explaining what had happened and looked over at the other two. They both looked at me with a kind of pissed off look "So it was Kate who snitched?" Y/n had asked and I had nodded cautiously. Y/n then got up and gathered their stuff to leave the apartment "Where are we going?" Minho had asked and got ready too "well the night is young and I have a person to beat up" Y/n then left the apartment with a Minho trailing behind. I looked over at a sad Jisung on the floor "Don't worry I'll call Jeongin over for you~" I grinned "Now I'm going to stop a bitch from killing another bitch, have fun with your boyfriend to be" I then ran out of the apartment to follow y/n. I swear this is the most exercise I've ever done in a day.

When I got to the pub I was unable to see Minho and y/n but I could see the others. 'Maybe I got here before them" I wondered while heading over to Jeongin, he looked over at me as soon as he realised my presence "Well what happened?" he asked me quietly "Let's just say I left a little present for you in their front room" Jeongin looked at me confused then took off to the sibling' apartment. I realised the rest of the group were staring at me, awaiting something "We may need to hide Kate before she gets murdered" Everyone started looking for places to hide or blend in and I just face palmed while watching them "why don't we move to another pub?" i suggested and they paused "oh yeahhh" Seungmin had said with the cutest smile "But how are we all meant to fit in the car?" Kate pointed out and that's when everyone lost hope. "well Kate I guess you are going to die" Woojin said while sipping his drink "You're my husband, you're supposed to help me!" Kate whined and he laughed.

Little did we know a certain couple had walked through the door and decided to watch everything going on. 

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