Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to complete silence. I looked around and realised I fell asleep playing with Minhos hair. I could feel Minho's head still in my lap so I tried to check the time on my phone to see if we slept in. I held the power button for a short while only to realise my phone had died in the night, I gave up and put it back on the counter. Who cares what time it is anyway? Missing one day of school isn't that bad .

I sighed quietly and finally looked down to the boy in my lap, he seemed so peaceful and pure. I smiled at the sight in front of me and played with his dark hair while humming a soft tune. I felt Minho move a little then he opened his eyes slowly, our eyes locked onto each other and we smiled. Neither one of us dared to speak, we just stared.

I got lost in his dark chocolate eyes, they looked like they had a million little stars in them. "Good morning y/n." He broke our gaze but made up for it with his raspy, deep voice. I stared at him for a while longer, I could feel myself melting. His morning voice was to die for and his still sleepy face is the cutest. Minho waved his hand in front of my face and laughed. "Don't fall for me already" he whispered but I just laughed and pushed him off of my lap "Don't worry, I'm not" I got up while he stayed lying on the floor. I went into my room and put my phone on charge.

When I walked back into the front room, Minho was still lying on the floor. He was staring at the ceiling looking like he was rethinking his life. He leaned up and put his arms behind him to hold his balance "Hey um y/n? What time is it?" He spoke up, I snapped back to reality and thought for a second "I actually don't know.." I walked out of the room and to my own room. I could hear footsteps following behind me, I left my door open and jumped onto my bed so Minho could join me. He entered my room and I patted the space, he got what I meant but decided to jump on me instead. "Yah! Minho you are heavy, get off!" I squirmed under Minho but he didn't move "Lee minhoooooo" he ignored me and pretended to fall asleep. I gave up and reached out to my phone, I could barely reach it but managed to get a grip on it and pull it closer to me. I switched on the phone and let my eyes adjust to the bright screen. I read the time out loud quietly and then raised my voice "Minho it's 10:30!" That got his attention and he rolled off of me and onto my bed. "Oh shit- what am I supposed to tell the school?" Minho whispered to himself but loud enough for me to hear. "I could call the school for you, say I am your partner and tell them you're sick!" I explained and sat up on my knees, Minho looked at me happily "You'd do that?" "Only if you'd do it for me!" I offered which he immediately agreed to.

We followed through with our plan so we had the day off together.

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