Chapter 23

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The group sorted themselves into pairs: Jeongin & Jisung, Ash & Chan, Minho & I, Seungmin & Hyunjin, Kate & Woojin and finally Felix &Changbin. "The rules are: if you don't want to answer a truth then you must drink a shot but if you don't want to complete a dare you have to down your whole glass." Woojin said while the others glared at him, no one wanted to down their whole drink. We all sat in a circle in our pairs, waiting for the first Truth or dare to be asked as no one knew who was going to start. "Why don't we do a group Truth to start? Then who ever drinks and is older should ask the next truth or dare." Ash had suggested and everyone had agreed. Felix piped up "Have you ever talked dirty to an inanimate object pretending its someone else" Felix then shot Ash a smirk while ash stared holes into Felixs skull. Woojin had chocked on his drink and Kate patted his back while laughing. I looked around the room and took a sip of my drink hoping no-one would notice, I then caught eyes with ash as they took a sip too and we both raised our fingers to our mouths in a hushing motion. "Ash & Y/n skipped by drinking!" Changbin yelled. "Yah! You're such a snitch" I yelled back and others laughed. We went around the circle saying our answers to get the results clearly.

Felix had said no.
Changbin took a sip of his drink, looking guilty.
Hyunjin had said no too but Seungmin had drunk so hyunjin smirked and hugged him. "I never said it was about it" Seungmin had said and hyunjin pushed him away slightly, making Seungmin laugh.
Chan refused to answer so he took a shot and as we all know Ash had already drank.
Woojin and Kate being the innocent couple they are both said no and smiled.
I had already drank and we all watched as Minho took his shot, everyone ooed at him but he shook his head "I didn't say I have but I didn't say I haven't."
Jisung out right claimed that he had and Jeongin flushed while shaking his head 'no'.

"Okay so Chan being the oldest that drank has to ask a pair a truth or dare" Woojin claimed and we all watched as chan scanned the room trying to pick a couple to embarrass. "Felix and changbin, Truth or dare?" Chan asked, Felix and changbin looked at each other then decided to pick truth. "Have you ever done it in a public place?" Chan said smirking, changbin turned red and Felix toppled over in laughter. After a while Changbin had said they have and Ash threw their pillow at Felix "Dirty boy! I did not want to know my twin would do such things!" Ash gagged in disgust and turned away.

"Kate & woojin! Truth or dare?" Changbin asked, the married couple had replied with dare and changbin had to think for a second. "Take an ugly selfie with each other and make it your profile photo on a social media page." Changbin said and everyone booed "What?! I didn't want to make it sexual, they're too innocent for that." Changbin defended himself and others mumbled in agreement. Woojin and Kate fulfilled their dare and everyone laughed at the profile picture but it was lowkey cute.

"Hyunmin! Truth or dare" Kate said excitedly "um truth" hyunjin had answered and Seungmin nodded. "Have you ever done anything kinky?" Kate said which surprised the others but me and ash as we just looked at each other and laughed. "Uh n-" Seungmin was about to lie but hyunjin cut in "we might of done". Everyone started shouting. "Seungmin was about to lie?!" Chan said confused "I thought you were my honest and innocent child!" Kate fake cried and others laughed. I had noticed Minho wasn't laughing and shouting with the others, I looked at him concerned but he was just staring at the ground. "I think his drinks are hitting him hard" Jeongin had leaned over and whispered in my ear which lead us both to start laughing, but what I didn't know was that Jeongin knew what was actually going on inside Minhos head and was giving him a sad smile.

"Minho & Y/n, my precious beans. Truth or dare?" Hyunjin had asked dramatically. I looked at Minho to see what he wanted to do but his eyes did not leave the ground and he just shrugged. "Dare" I said, picking it for us as Minho was not cooperating. "I dare you, y/n, to leave a hickey on Minhos neck." He said and I looked at him shocked "Are you being serious?" I asked but he only smirked. What I didn't expect was when I got close to minho and was about to reach out for him, he hit my hand away "Stop! Don't touch me.." he yelled but his voice was shaky and he downed his drink to signify that he wasn't going to complete the dare. I soon felt a hand land on my shoulder and pull me back to my seat on the floor, I looked at them to see Jisung shake his head and then look at minho concerned. I was confused and disheartened by the fact that he wouldn't let me go near him.. why could he touch me but I couldn't touch him? I don't understand..

The rounds had continued but Minho took no part in them at all, it was now time for ash and chan to complete their dare. This time the group had dared them to share a kiss that was longer than a millisecond like the other one they shared. As ash and chan got closer, I could feel a pair of familiar arms snake around my waist and pull me towards their chest. I looked back to see Minho with bloodshot eyes as if he was crying, before I could get a full glance he had buried his head into the crook of my neck and I looked towards Jisung confused by Minhos actions. One moment he was pushing me away and than the next it's like he didn't want to let me go. Jisung gave me a sad look as I could hear Minho mumble words such as 'stop' and 'please dont', he then started rocking slightly and crying louder. Everyone stopped moving as they could hear Minhos sobs, they looked at me confused and I just shrugged. Jisung had motioned for us to leave the room so I did as he said and lead Minho into my room.

When we had arrived into my room, he had calmed down a little bit but was still mumbling some inaudible words while little sniffles escaped him. I sat him down onto the bed and he pulled me on top of him, refusing to let go of the hug. So we sat there against my headboard with my legs on either side of Minho, sitting on his lap and hugging. I started playing with his hair as he once again buried his face into my neck, his hair was soft and silky which was relaxing to me.

"Minho?" I said softly but he didn't reply. "Minho?" I repeated but louder this time, I still didn't get a reply. I slowly realised that Minho had fallen asleep like this and sighed. I tried pulling away but he tightened the hug and groaned a little. "Minho we should move, it would be uncomfortable if we sleep like this." I said and he shifted to pull us under the covers. He held me against his chest, one of his arms was on my waist and the other was playing with my hair. "Minho?" I said gently and this time he hummed in response "what happened?" I asked but he only looked at me confused. "why wouldn't you let me touch you? What happened to you?" I questioned him, he didn't respond and just stared at me before his eyes became a little teary so he hid his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry y/n" he whispered "what?" I laughed a little and pushed him away from me so I could look him in his eyes. "I should be the one apologising not you. Look I don't know what you've been through but I promise I'll be here for you and if you don't want to talk about it that's fine but when you need someone to talk to I'm here, okay?" I said and I watched his eyes become teary once again but this time he was smiling. He rolled over and hovered above me "thank you" he whispered gently while pressing our foreheads together. I smiled before leaning up to kiss him, he was surprised for a moment until he leaned down and gave me a bunch of little pecks. I chuckled  "we should get some sleep, dummy" he nodded and rested his head on my chest, practically lying on top of me.

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