Chapter 18

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Minho stopped in the middle of the car park. I could see him biting the inside of his cheek, he turned to me with a piercing and intimidating gaze which made me feel small compared to him. "we cant do this in public, what if we get caught again? What if it wasn't Chan and ash? We both would've got into shit because of this.. not to mention I could get into shit with Jisung now. " He spoke up, I looked at him confused for a moment before I felt anger bubbling in my stomach. "you started it! And you didn't seem to think about that a moment ago when you were pinning me against your whiteboard!" I fought back trying not to sound as angry as I felt.
"Actually, you started it! Why did you fuck me around like that?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know like flirting with Jeongin in front of me"
"I didn't know it meant that much to you"
"Of course it fuckn did!"
"What-" before I could get my sentence out Minho stormed off to his own car. He revved the engine before zooming out of the car park. I stood there watching him leave, I was about to walk to my own car before I remembered that Jisung had took it home even though he doesn't have his licence yet. I sighed heavily before deciding to walk home. It may take me about 2 hours but it's better than staying here. It was only 5.2 miles it can't be that bad.

*1 hour later*
Ash's P.O.V

Its been forever and Y/N has still not texted me, they can't still be doing...that..
I shivered at the thought. I picked up my phone from Chan's couch and messaged Jisung.

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵

Hey is Y/n home yet?

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵:
No, I thought they were with you that's why I took the car home

No they're not with me, they haven't texted or seen me since the incident. Wait you took the car?

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵:
What incident? And yeah I did

Uhhhh and oh no..

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵:
Read 4:43 pm

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵:
What incident ash?
Read 4:45 pm

Daddy squirrel 🤘🥵:
Why does everyone ignore me?
Read 4:49 pm

I closed my phone and smirked, I noticed a presence over my shoulder looking at my phone. I turned slightly only to come face to face with chan, our faces inches apart. "Daddy squirrel?" Chan asked and pulled back a little. I burst out laughing "I promise it's not what you think!" Chan jumped over the back of the couch so he was sitting next to me "Okay so explain". I was quiet for a short while, trying to figure out how to word it "Well you see, I was texting Jisung and I was trying to call him a sassy squirrel but my phone kind of autocorrected sassy to daddy so he ended up freaking out while I was just dying of laughter. Now it's an inside joke." I explained while chan nodded his head in understanding "So why were you texting him anyway?" I thought for a moment "y/n" we fell silent "Fuck! I need to find y/n!" I started running out of Chan's house "wait!" He shouted after me but I didn't stop running. I jumped onto my motorcycle and started the engine "Sorry to cut this short chan!"

Y/n's P.O.V

Why did he kick off so much? What was his problem?
My feet and legs were hurting from walking. I took a seat at a bus stop and pulled my legs up onto the seat with me. I sat there thinking about a certain dark chocolate haired boy. Why should I care? It's not like we were together or anything.. but I still thought we had something. I guess he didn't feel the same.

Before I realised, hot tears were running down my face. I was shocked at myself for a second, I slapped my face with both hands. I shouldn't be crying over him. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stared at the road.

I came back to reality when I heard ash's motorcycle rev, I stared at them for a while . They got off their motorcycle and run to hug me, I hugged them back then they dragged me to get on their motorcycle. I hopped on and hugged onto them tightly not wanting to fall off and to be honest I just wanted another hug at that moment.

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