Chapter 37

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Y/n POV:

Minho was stood in the middle of the room, glaring at the door that Ash had just left out of. "What did they find?" I laughed out while Minho was still staring at the door. He finally snapped out of it and turned to me "Nothing" he shrugged while crawling onto the bed to join me.

I smiled at him as he stayed on the end of the bed. Before I could process what was happening, he had grabbed me by my calves and pulled me towards him which made me laugh in the process. He sat between my legs as I lay there still laughing slightly. He smiled at me before leaning down to give me a kiss but I turned my head to the side, denying him of a kiss. He tried doing it again but I did the same thing and laughed at his slightly annoyed expression. "Give me a kiss" He whined and I shook my head with a giggle "Aish. Fine, I see how it is" He said before plopping down next to me and going on his phone instead.

After a while, I got bored and wanted Minho to give me attention. I climbed onto his lap and whined slightly but he didn't look away from his phone. I slipped the top half of my body through the gap he had between his arms and his chest, he finally looked down at me but that didn't last long as he attention was once again drawn to his phone. I sighed and moved out of his grasp.

I stayed on his lap while thinking of a plan to get his attention. I moved my hips back and forth slightly, rubbing on his crotch. His breath hitched in his throat out of surprise and his movements froze. I stopped what I was doing and tilted my head slightly concerned before he dropped his phone next to him and glared at me. I smirked, realising that I had gained his attention "Hello" I said lightly but he just kept on glaring at me. I lay down on his chest and pouted while trying to hug him "I wanted attention and I was bored" he rolled his eyes "How do you go from doing that to being innocent in like 2 seconds?" He asked me and I just shrugged. He sighed while wrapping his arms around my waist and I buried my face in his neck. I felt myself drifting off to sleep as Minho played with my hair and rubbed circles into my back.

(A/n: This was supposed to be smut but I just couldn't do it. Sorry.)

The next day we were greeted by a pile on by Ash, Felix, Jisung, and Changbin. Minho shouted a bit because of all of the weight that was on top of him but ended up laughing when the others wouldn't move. We stayed like that until Ash got bored and decided to move and sit on the floor instead. The other three just gathered around the bed like they were waiting for something. It took me a while to finally process what day it was "Oh-OH! Happy birthday Ash! Happy birthday Felix!" I shouted while gathering both of them into a hug. "Your presents are already in the living room" I said with a smile "Thank you!" They said in sync which lowkey scared me.

When I sat back onto the bed and none of them moved I gathered that they wanted to talk about something else as well "What is it?" "We're going to a strip club" Felix blurted out. Shock took over Minho's expression "Why?" Minho said a bit too loudly due to the shock and most probably confusion. "Well.. I don't really have a reason as to why we are doing it but we are!" Ash said, shouting at the end. "What about the ones who are underage?" I asked "We already have fake ID's for Seungmin, Jeongin and you" Changbin finally spoke up. I rolled my eyes, they really thought this through. A sigh escaped my lips "We are really doing this.." I mumbled to myself as the invaders in our room cheered.

Hours later we were getting ready to go out for the twins' birthday. "I really can't believe we are going to a strip club" I said to Minho as I was applying light makeup to his eyes "First time for everything I guess" He replied and I furrowed my eyebrows "You've never been?" I questioned while moving the brush away from his eye slightly. His eyes shot open and he frowned at me slightly "What is that supposed to mean? Of course I haven't gone!" He defended himself as I laughed "I didn't mean it like that.. well maybe I did but I just meant that its surprising considering your 21" This made him furrow his eyebrows even more "So because I'm 21 I should have gone before?" I shrugged my shoulders as a reply "I mean you are a horny bastard anyway" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear with a mischievous smile spread across my face. "Oh am I now?" suddenly he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him while planting a bunch of kisses around my face. I giggled, trying to push him away in the process "Stopppp" I whined but he continued to kiss me and tickle me in the process. "Take it back and I'll stop" He said triumphantly while I fall to my knees out of laughter "Okay okay! I take it back, I'm sorry!" I get out between laughs.

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