Chapter 38 (END)

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(A/n: I'm sorry but I have lost motivation for this book and I am starting to write another few books instead. This book sadly didn't have a main plot but if it did it would have been much more put together and probably longer. I hope you look forward to future books!)

A year has passed already and to be honest it only felt like yesterday we were all a big group in school just having fun. I met some of the best people and I'm so thankful that they had stayed with me through thick and thin.

Now I should probably give you a recap on the year seeing as you haven't been caught up:

-Jisung graduated with flying colours and decided to become a producer. He also ended up dragging Chan and Changbin into it too.

-Minho had got fired as a teacher due to our relationship even if we did try our hardest to prevent it and convince Woojin. He is now the choreographer for dance groups which earns him quite a bit of money.

- Ash graduated too but settled on studying for a bit.. until they heard about Jisungs' group with Chan and Changbin and forced Jisung to let them join as a rapper.

-Kate and Woojin.. well let's just say there's a bun in the oven (a/n: lmao I'm not sorry)

-Changbin became a producer and rapper after quitting his job as the maths teacher. Felix and Changbin also got married! Congrats to them!

-Hyunjin was hired as a model which I'm not going to lie suited him perfectly. Seungmin and he also broke up due to some personal issues that they wouldn't tell us. But he did manage to meet someone new called Sam who seems really nice!

-Felix just started his new career as a YouTuber and his account has already had a small blow up which didn't surprise me as Felix is quite an interesting guy.

- Seungmin being a total fan of Day6 is trying to get in a band of his own. He has been going to a lot of try outs recently and is practicing as much as he can so I really hope things turn out well for him.

- Last but not least is Jeongin. He and I are still in school so nothing that exciting is happening but he is getting good marks on his work and working his hardest. JeongSung is now official too! This reminds me there are so many couples now.

After all of our back breaking effort and busy nights, we had finally come up with enough money to get a large house for all of us to live in together. It was quite a modern house with lots of space for all of us which made me very grateful because I don't know how long I can put up with all of these crackheads.

Minho and I started doing study sessions.. well he's trying to get me to study more but it isn't really working, I always end up on my phone which he chases me around the house for or it turns into a makeout session instead. We are doing well as a couple even if we do have some petty arguments sometimes but I love that crazy boy too much to stay mad at him. I'm very grateful that I met him on that night at Chans party.

I guess this will be the last page I will ever write in this book so if you find this Minho: I love you and tell the others that I love them too. Please never forget me and I hope you've enjoyed reading.


The page dampened with tears as I stared down at the familiar handwriting. "You really wrote down every moment?" I laughed out between sobs and looked up as if I was talking to someone "You were special y/n" the laughter was not so present anymore as it was replaced with heavy sobs. Clutching the book in my hands, I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears from falling and inhaled deeply.

"Minho?" A gentle voice called out, making me open my eyes slowly to meet their gaze. "Jisung.." I whispered out as the boy stepped closer to me before swiftly catching me in his arms to give me a tight hug and rub circles in my back . The only thing to be heard was our sobs echoing off of the walls as we were reminded of sweet moments.

I could feel my grip on the book loosen and being taken out of my hand "Reading this again?" Jisung had let out a pained laughed after saying that sentence and pulled away from our hug "I don't blame you. It was nice that they wrote down every moment like this." He smiled to which I nodded to in agreement. "Do you think you're ready to do this?" The silence that fell upon us after Jisung had said that was sickening, I wasn't anywhere ready to leave this room but reluctantly I nodded once again. 

I straightened my suit and made sure Jisung and I looked presentable before towards the door with a choked up Jisung by my side. That day nothing was bright, nothing seemed happy and even the sky was masked with a grizzly grey. We had to bid goodbye to our loved one. 

But I wasn't ready to leave you yet.  I'm coming y/n, it wont be long now till we can be together once more.

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