Chapter 12

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We have been painting for quite a while now and we had finished most of the wall but the top as we both couldn't reach it on our own. I looked over at Minho as he looked at the wall, probably trying to figure out how he was going to reach the top. He sighed in defeat and looked over at me, our eyes locked and we laughed a little bit.

"Need help?" I asked him with a smile "I could say the same to you" he responded while looking at the wall I was painting. He looked back at his wall then back at mine "Ha! I can reach higher than you!" I glared at him and hit his chest lightly. He placed his hands on my hips once again while I had my hands on his chest still glaring at him. I tip toed to his height while giggling "see I'm almost the same height as you" I said and stuck my tongue, he laughed in response and pushed me down to my normal height to which I pouted at. "Ah see, so small~" he purred and looked happy. I pushed him away "Weirdo" I laughed but then got an idea "Ooooo Minho, Minho, Minho!" I said tapping him "whattttt?!" He answered slightly annoyed "let me get on your shoulders!" I giggled but Minhos face flushed as he looked down to my bare legs "are you sure you want that?" He asked just to make sure, "of course! It'll be fun and we can reach the top of the wall then!" I exclaimed, kind of excited to be on his shoulders and be taller than him.

Minho bent down and waited for me to get on. I raised my jumper so I could move my legs onto his shoulders but I froze for a second, jumper still in my hands, I realised how much skin I was actually showing and flushed. "D-don't turn around, okay?" I stumbled on my words slightly embarrassed "what? Why?" He was about to turn his head around to look but I grabbed onto his hair quickly making him gasp slightly and stop his movement. I let go of his hair and sighed "I just realised how much skin you can see so I don't want you to turn around" I explained shyly while looking at the ground. I heard him laugh a little "okay baby~" he purred out, I hit his back and he giggled "just get on will you". I finally put my legs onto his shoulders and gripped his hair kinda tightly because I was scared he would drop me as he raised up to his normal height. When he stopped moving, I loosened my grip and became less tense.

Minho passed the roller up with the paint on and I started painting the wall. I tried to not get any on me or Minho cause jisung would fume at me if I got any of his clothes wrecked. But then I had other plans, I quickly dipped my finger in the paint and smeared it on Minhos face. It took him awhile to process what just happened but when he did he took the roller out of my hand and put it down. I looked down at him confused but then he started spinning and jumping, he even threatened to let go of my legs, it felt like I was on one of those mechanical rodeo bulls.

I was laughing so hard at his actions but finally Minho decided to stop due to him being out of breath. He stood up straight and huffed a few more times "you are a little devil" he managed to breathe out "it's all apart of my charm" I grinned "nah you're just a pain in the ass" He laughed but I pouted. We finished messing around decided to actually finish painting the walls.

Out of nowhere Minhos head snapped towards the study door, I looked over too to see if something was there but there was nothing. 'Maybe he heard something?' I thought but suddenly got pulled from reality when I felt Minhos hot breath travel along my inner thigh, I felt tingles go down my spines and I let out a breathless moan. I looked down to see how close his lips where to my thigh, I gulped hard trying to hide the fact that him being so close is affecting me. He must of caught on to what was going on as he lost his interest towards the door and smirked up at me. He gave me a side glance then started kissing up and down my inner thigh, closing his eyes. I bit my lip and pulled on his hair which he gave a slight growl to as response. He then bit down and started sucking on the sensitive skin that he was just kissing, I let out a rather loud moan and covered my mouth instantly but I could feel him smile again my skin. Minho parted his mouth from my thigh but then licked around the hickey that he had just created. At that moment, a familiar ash blonde, gender fluid, child walked through the door "Y/n are you okay?! I heard you-" they stopped half way through their sentence and stared at the scene in front of them.

You see, this child is in fact my other best friend that I barely see as they are in the year above meaning that they are in Jisung's year. Their name is Ash ( _FelixLee ) and they are the most supportive and amazing person I have ever met, besides from Minho, my brother and Yoongi.

"Mr. Lee?!" Ash exclaimed looking horrified and backing away slightly. "Ash! I can explain!" I shouted

-> A/N <-
Welcome to the story _FelixLee and thank you for helping me come up with ideas for today's chapter you actual legend.

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