Chapter 30

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I turned to Yoongi and smiled brightly but he just sighed "It's not like it makes a difference, we were in the same class". I pouted "Yeah but it's exciting, isn't it?" he patted my head and nodded slightly "I guess so."

Yoongi and I headed to English hand-in-hand, you see Yoongi and I had quite a close friendship so we always make some kind of attempt to be closer to each other. We walked in as the other students whispered. I took my seat at the front of the class and Yoongi hung around my desk for a while, still talking to me. Jeongin walked in and gave us a wave then sat next to us, joining our conversation in the process.

Minho had walked in and stood at the front to clear his throat and capture the students' attention. Yoongi turned to him for a second then back to me and rolled his eye while I hit his arm and pushed him off my desk. He held on to my hand and made a sad face "It is time for us to part my love" He said while dramatically walking away, letting go of my hand, and I just laughed at him "Dramatic bitch" I said to myself.

Not soon after Ash, Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin walked in with a few other students. They bowed at the front before sitting in any empty seats. Lucky for us the front four seats, besides Jeongins' and mine, were free. They sat down and grinned at Minho, I could already tell that this was going to be awkward for him considering we were all his friends and he was teaching us. Minho shook his head, clearly trying not to laugh and sat on his desk "Any questions you would like to ask? Considering you are new students" he seemed like he regretted his decision immediately when Jisung put his hand up "Anyone?" Minho asked, clearly ignoring Jisung. Jisung sat up "I have a question..idiot.." he whispered the last part, hoping to avoid a detention, Minho sighed "What's your question Mr. Han?" Jisung seemed to cringe at the sound of Minho being formal with him "Is it true you were with a few students drinking on Saturday? There seems to be a rumour going around" Jisung said with a smug smirk. Students behind us seemed to whisper while the front row contained their laughter. Minho sighed and shook his head "Certainly not" he gave a quick reply before standing up to hand out worksheets.

I leaned over to whisper at Ash "It's weird seeing him being so formal... and not horny" I said the last part even quieter as Ash snorted then let out the loudest laugh possible. Everyone turned to them and they seemed to cover their mouth immediately but could not cease the laughing. Minho let out a loud sigh and rolled his eyes "Mx. Lee stay at break, you too Mx. Han" I looked at him with an offended face but he just smirked and sent me a wink. I turned away immediately, hoping no one noticed what he just did towards me.

The hour seemed to pass pretty quickly while doing the worksheet. We stood up and packed our things before heading to the next class which was ICT. Yoongi ran to catch up and we walked side by side to our next class, joking along the way. Once again we entered the classroom but sat together at one computer, ignoring the teachers' instructions. ICT is normally just a sit off lesson so it shouldn't be that bad. We googled memes and played videos at the highest volume, the students laughed but the teacher didn't seem too impressed. Before we knew it the lesson was already over so I headed back down to Minho's class. Yoongi looked at me confused when I stood outside of his door "I have a detention remember?" I explained while laughing. Yoongi hit my arm lightly "Of course I remember" he grumbled. "Do you want me to leave and go to my other friends or wait for you?" he asked and I shrugged "Do what you please" I answered then knocked on Minhos door waiting for an entry.

I sat down at my desk as Ash was already in theirs. I looked towards the door to see Yoongi standing there making funny faces in the window, trying to get me into more trouble by laughing. I let out a low snicker and Minhos gaze immediately locked onto me "What's funny?" He asked and cocked his eyebrow. I quickly retracted my gaze from Yoongi and looked at Minho while shrugging. Minho stood up and headed over to my desk then looked out the window to see Yoongi waiting for me. Yoongi quickly ran in the direction of the yards doors. I turned back to Minho and he smirked "Anyway.." he said while walking back to his desk and sitting on it "Ash what was so funny in class?" He asked them but Ash was unable to answer as the memory came back into their mind so they started laughing again. He then turned my way "What did you say to them?" I tried not to laugh too "I just said its weird seeing you be so formal" I answered missing out the last bit, he glared at me suspiciously "That can't be all you said". 

After a while Ash got sick off the silence "Minho-" He glared at them and Ash cleared their throat "I meant Mr. Lee" they said with a grin "when can we go and break the silence?" They asked with a fed up look spreading across their face "When you tell me what Y/n actually said" he answered then focussed back onto the Laptop. Ash sighed and I looked at them while shaking my head, they smirked in response "Oh Mr. Lee, is that all? I'll tell you what they said" Ash smirked then gave me a wink "You snitch" I mumbled with a slight laugh, not taking it seriously."They said that it is weird seeing you be so formal" they paused allowing Minho to nod at them so they could continue "and not horny" they laughed slightly while Minhos gaze landed on me once more. I hung my head low, hoping he wouldn't see me laughing. "Ash you can go, I'll be keeping Y/n a bit longer" Minho explained. Ash ooed and grabbed their stuff happily, quickly leaving the classroom. When Ash left I noticed they were having a conversation with someone right outside the door. Yoongi popped his head round with a mischievous grin and waved. I motioned for him to leave as Minho was getting closer to me "Is Mr. Min looking?" Minho whispered in my ear and I nodded with a gulp. Minho then attached his lips to mine and put his hands on my desk. Not long after I tried to pull away but he bit onto my bottom lip, not allowing me to move back. I looked towards the window to see Yoongi with the most shocked expression on his face, he motioned towards his neck at were the hickey had been placed on my neck. Minho let go of my bottom lip and turned to Yoongi with a grin. Yoongi stood frozen, still pointing to the bit of his neck. Minho looked at the hickey on my neck and chuckled lowly then nodded at Yoongi, confirming his suspicions.

About 5 minutes after that incident, I was let out of his classroom and I was immediately jumped on by Yoongi "Gah! Watch it grandpa!" I warned him but he seemed unfazed "If I'm that old you'll have to carry me" I laughed at his comment before shaking him off. "Anywayyyy... Our teacher? really?" He said a bit too loudly so I covered his mouth as other students walked by, giving us weird looks as they pass. I gave Yoongi a glare before removing my hand and telling him to keep his voice down to which he nodded at. Yoongi continued to question me quietly as we walked through the halls, some of his questions I answered but some I ignored. Let's just say some of them were not child friendly questions.

The bell rang signalling for us to go to our next class. I rolled my eyes and dragged Yoongi to my group as they were now heading for P.E too We went to our respected changing rooms and started getting ready for the tiring lesson ahead.

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