Chapter 13

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"Ash! I can explain!" I shouted.
Minho put me down and I stood there, unmoving, trying to think of how to explain what was happening between me and Minho. Before I could come up with an excuse, Ash spoke first "you're sleeping with our teacher~ I'm telling your brother~" Ash says in a sing song tone and runs out of the room and to the kitchen. I chase after them into the kitchen and stand in the doorway. I watched them stand on the island in the middle of the kitchen with a knife in their hand. "Yah ash! be careful!" I shouted slightly and stared at them worried. Ash stood in a karate position, knife still in hand. Minho came in and stood next to me, leaving a little gap between us but laughing his head off. "Don't fuck with me,I have the power of god and anime on my side. AHHHHHH!" Ash screeched, that's when Minho and I lost it. I fell to my knees and cried out with laughter while Minho gripped onto the door frame leaning forward slightly crying with laughter too.

At that moment Jisung walked through then stopped in his tracks, staring at the scene in front of him. Jisung stared at Ash as Ash awkwardly smiled "how does your brother, Felix, put up with you?" Jisung then walked away "He doesn't-" Ash shouted back but then stopped talking completely when they saw chan stop in front of the kitchen doorway. Ash flushed then dropped the knife on their foot. We watched as the knife pierced through Ashs' foot and chan ran towards them immediately to help them out. Before ash or anyone else even realised what was happening chan had swept them off of their feet and was shouting to everyone that he is going to take them to the hospital. Jisung, Minho and I stayed there in shock when we heard the front door slam shut. "He better be careful with my best friend" I pouted and Jisung glared at me "Excuse me but you have stole my best friend" Minho smiled shyly at Jisung's comment. "Suck it! He's my bestie now!" I jumped on Minhos back and he grabbed onto my legs to hold me up "To the room we go!" I yelled and he ran towards said room. Jisung followed behind us with a pout on his face " I want to help too".

About 3 hours had passed when we heard the front door open again. I looked around the room we were decorating before I headed to look at who entered our apartment. We had built our roommates bed, shelf and cat tree. I was excited to meet the persons cats more than the actual person to be honest. I locked eyes with Ash and they smirked then looked back at chan with the sweetest smile, it made me sick so I laughed at them.

We decided to take a break and all sit in the front room. Me and ash were sitting on the floor while the boys sat on the couch. I smirked at ash "so how about that crush you had on chan?" I said, ash looked at me embarrassed and like they were about to kill me while chan looked surprised but with a smirk on his face. Ash then thought of a revenge plan and raised my leg "and what about the hickey hm?" They said while pointing at the hickey Minho had made earlier that day. I quickly pulled my leg away and caught Jisung glaring at me "Who he fuck put their hands on my sibling again?!" He yelled, Ash looked at me then to Minho and pointed at him. At that moment Minho stood up "Alright I think it's time for me to head out-" he quickly walked to the door but ash tackled him to the ground  "Suffer the consequences shit head!"

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