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Later didn't come for two straight weeks

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Later didn't come for two straight weeks. She didn't see him, she barely heard from him and she heard nothing from anyone on the team when he missed the games those two weeks. It was now November, and Thanksgiving break was right around the corner. She was hoping to see him before then so she could invite he and Duck to the friendsgiving they were having right before break.

Nayeli came up with the idea and wrote out cute little invitations for everyone, including those two.

She had just got done with practice for the day, and she was headed back to her dorm while Bri was meeting her man for some dinner. She insisted on driving her friend back since it was dark and she didn't want her being alone.

Just as they reached her car, Nai heard someone calling her. At first she thought she was imagining because nobody but some of the basketball team was here this late and she hadn't seen Armani for what seemed like forever.

But as she opened the door, she heard it again, and so did Bri. They both turned around and came face to face with Armani himself in his warmup sweatsuit, shocking them both.

"Hey," he breathed out.

"Um...hi," she spoke back.

"Hey Bri," he said to her, and she said hey back in her usual chipper tone. "Can I talk to you? I'll walk you home," he asked.

"Um, well Bri was gonna—well I guess so," she nodded. "Bri, he'll walk me home. Thank you though," she smiled at her friend.

Bri gave her a short smirk before nodding. "Of course, boo. Y'all be safe," she waved, hopping in her car.

Once Bri drove off, they began their walk back to Nayeli's dorm, which was only about ten minutes away.  At first, they were quiet. Armani knew what he wanted to say, he just didn't know how to start.

"Lemme take that for you," he said, reaching to grab her cheer bag from her arms.

"Oh, thank you," she smiled, handing it over. She noticed he was very chivalrous. He always made sure she walked on the inside of the sidewalk, he carried her backpack and her purse for her while they walked, he held doors and always pulled out chairs for her too.

"No problem," he nodded. "Let me just start by apologizing. Ignoring you and not even letting you know what was going on with me wasn't okay, and I'm sorry about that. That's not me, and it won't happen again," he said. They had stopped walking and he looked her directly in the eye as they spoke.

"O-of course, I forgive you," she nodded.

"Thank you," he turned back around and they began walking again. "I struggled for a while, thinking if I should tell you this," he started again, causing Nayeli to look over at his profile. Usually his face was softer and he had a smile when they were together but by the was his jaw was clenched up she could see how upset he was.

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