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"Now you know the baby shower is tomorrow and you wanna act up, little girl?" Nai spoke to her stomach as the baby twisted and turned like it was still light out

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"Now you know the baby shower is tomorrow and you wanna act up, little girl?" Nai spoke to her stomach as the baby twisted and turned like it was still light out. "You was just sleeping at night last week, where did the energy go?" she chuckled.

She was currently in the nursery, so she wouldn't wake Mani up with her constant moving trying to get comfortable while his child karate kicked her.

"It's cool, I wasn't tired anyway," Nai shrugged, which was a lie. She had an extremely long day, she had to visit two of her kids schools, one with her new foster family, and do a home visit for three kids who just got back with their birth mother.

She was extra tired nowadays since she was pregnant, but she wanted to work as long as she could before she was on maternity leave. She thought about what her grief counselor told her, when Hailee passed a lot. She tried her best to hold on to her empathy and not let the things she saw desensitize her. She knew kids who came from situations like that deserved a case worker who cared, not one who was cold and stoic, so she wanted to continue to be that.

"You know, mamas. Mommy is really sorry she took so long to get used to you. I love you so much, princess, you're making mommy and daddy's world a million times better, I wish I knew it from the beginning, I was just dealing with a lot. You forgive me, baby?" she asked, knowing she couldn't respond back. But when she kicked again, Nai teared up.

"I'll take that as a yes," she sniffed.

"Nai—why you not in the bed?" she heard from the doorway. She looked up from her stomach, and at Armani, who stood in front of her, in his boxers, rubbing his face. "You okay?"

"Mhm, she was kicking a lot and I didn't wanna wake you trying to get comfortable," she smiled at him. He looked so cute to her when he was tired. He was just a big baby, he wanted all her attention and kisses and to be cuddled. She thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"You could have stayed, I don't mind," he said, voice still sounding like he just opened his eyes. "You know I can't sleep without you,"

"You a lie," she giggled.

"Okay I can, but that doesn't mean I want to," he laughed as well. "Come lay down, baby,"

She nodded, standing up from her nursing chair and grabbing his hand. They stopped so she could go to the bathroom, since that's all she did at night, and went back to bed together. She laid cradled in his arms, with her back on his chest. She enjoyed being the big spoon but her belly did not allow her to do that.

"I love you, mamas," he said in her ear, making her stomach erupt in butterflies. "Try and get some sleep okay? My baby is gonna relax now that I'm here"

"I love you too, baby," she laughed. "I'll try. Just make sure your daughter knows I'm sleep,"

"I will," he chuckled, kissing the side of her face.

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