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One month later

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One month later.

"Noey got her shots today! Didn't you big girl?" Mani told his mom.  She came out to spend some time with her granddaughter and her son, Nai too, but she was currently taking a nap, much to Armani's happiness.

In the short month that she'd been on them, her medication had helped her greatly. She was sleeping, she went out with her friends last week with the baby, and enjoyed herself. She stopped having nightmares that would wake her up in the middle of the night as well. She was overall doing much better, and he was so proud of her for taking the step to do so.

When Noémie got her shots earlier that day, Nai cried right along with her the entire time. He made fun of her the whole way home, and she couldn't help but to laugh herself. They were taking her to get her ears pierced next weekend, and he wasn't prepared, because he volunteered to hold her while she was getting it done.

"She looks just like you, Armani, it's crazy," Farrah smiled, watching as Noémie stared up at her dad. She was very much so a daddy's girl, just like everyone thought. She stared at him in pure amazement every day, all the time. Especially when she was supposed to be sleeping. "How you liking being a dad?" Farrah asked.

"Oh man," Mani sighed, a smile appearing on his face. "Best thing that ever happened to me. She is really the light of my life, like I never understood what people would say when they'd say that love feels different when you have a baby, but —she really showed me. It so different, like I love her so much, I feel blessed to get to be her dad. And Nai—it's like I love her more after seeing her be a mom. She could be changing a diaper and I'm just like wow," he rambled.

"I'm so happy you're enjoying it, baby. I can tell you and Nayeli both are doing such and amazing job with this beautiful girl. Have you two had any time together? I know you told me she's sleeping in your room still. Any dates yet?"

"Nah, not yet. I'm planning one for her next weekend though, Nomi's seven weeks now, and her Godfather been begging to keep her, so I figured it's a good time," he nodded.

He'd been feening for Nai for months now. Of course he wouldn't tell his mother that, but it was true. The last time they did anything remotely sexual was before her baby shower and even then they were just messing around for twenty minutes in the shower.

He was practically dying.

The fact that her body snapped back so beautifully after she had Noémie did nothing to help him. It was like she lost the baby bump but everything she gained stayed. He had to stop himself from staring at her very often.

"That should be nice, you two deserve a nice night out," Farrah smiled. "Now let me hold m grandchild please," she said, reaching her arms out for Nomi. He gladly handed her over and watched his mom gush over her like it was her first time seeing her again.

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