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"Hey daddy!" Nai smiled, opening the door for her dad

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"Hey daddy!" Nai smiled, opening the door for her dad. He texted her earlier that morning, just to swing by, bring Noémie's bracelet, and hang out with her.

"Hey princess," he replied, kissing her on the cheek. No matter how old she got, she loved being called princess, which is probably why she started calling her own daughter that as well. She knew how special it made her feel when she was a little girl and even now.

"How are you? You doing okay?" she asked him, getting comfortable on the couch with him.

"I'm fine, babygirl. How are you? How's my little girl doing?" he asked. He was so excited to meet Noémie it was adorable to Nai.

"Nomi is good, she's sleeping now, she does this fantastic thing where she sleeps all day and wants to play at night, which is not okay," she shook her head.

"Omari did the same thing," he laughed. "Your mom could barely ever get a good nights sleep when she was this far along. Also, we're calling her Nomi now?" he tilted his head, making Nai laugh.

"Me and Mani do. Everybody calls her different things, Duck calls her 'his lil Godbaby' because she is, you call her little girl or angel, mama calls her sweetness, Omari still calls her Pumpkin. Cici, Amani and Sarai all say niecey pooh," she rattled off. There were so many different ones she couldn't really keep up.

"Well, Nomi is cute," he chuckled. "How you been feeling?" he asked.

"Eh, better. I still really can't get myself to really go out like I used to. It's like a nagging feeling in the back of my head that something bad is gonna happen to her," she explained, laying her hand on her stomach. "Sometimes I make myself go, like I'll go do grocery shopping, I'll go take a walk like to that park around here, but when I get home I feel so much better," she sighed. "I really think I'm gonna need to get back on my meds,"

"That's probably best for now, baby. You know, when you were a baby my separation anxiety was terrible. I was on mine too, until you were about 6 months old," he said.

"I didn't know,"she shook her head. "I guess I'm just like you in every way huh?" she said lightheartedly, making him laugh.

"I guess so. Oh, so I actually don't have her bracelet yet, since I wanted to get her birthstone put in it. So, it'll be done once you either call me and tell me you're in labor or until September comes," he nodded.

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