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"Mama, you really think he's gonna like it?" Nayeli asked, on FaceTime with Nadira

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"Mama, you really think he's gonna like it?" Nayeli asked, on FaceTime with Nadira. She had just finished Christmas shopping for Armani, and she was worrying over it.

"Of course he is, my love. You have good taste, just like mama," she nodded knowingly. "Plus, the first gifts are heartfelt, he's gonna really appreciate it," she smiled at her daughter. Gionni sighed loudly in the background.

"What, daddy?" Nai giggled.

"I remember when she used to stress over my Christmas gifts," he said dramatically. "Now look at her worried about some stank ass boy,"  he nodded

"Daddy stop," she laughed loudly. "I stressed over your gift this year, and he's not stank, you're gonna love him when you meet him I promise,"

"Mhm, whatever Gianna," he playfully rolled his eyes. "We forwarded all your mail to you, it should be there soon," he informed her.

"Oh thank you! Also, I've been meaning to ask you both this, um, my friends and I, including Armani, would like to use the house in South Beach for spring break since it's gonna be virtually impossible to get anything in Miami by then," she rushed out. Gionni raised his eyebrow and stayed silent for a second.

"Of course! You sure you don't wanna go somewhere exciting like Trinidad, we have a house there by your great grandparents," Nadira spoke before G could.

"Nadira," Gionni tried his best not to laugh. "We ain't even discuss nothing,"

"Boy please, you cannot tell that girl no if you tried," she scoffed. They all knew it was true.

"Listen babygirl. I'm okay with it, I just need you to be responsible okay? I know you're growing up and you're gonna do things that—"

"Daddy! Stop, I'm begging," she wined. They'd had the talk already, and she did not want to have it again, especially right now.

"Sorry," he laughed. "Just don't make me no damn granddaddy at 42 like I did to your granddad. Y'all don't wanna go to the house in LA? I'm sure that'd be way more fun, y'all could go to disney and all that," he suggested.

"Yes sir, I won't, please trust me," she chuckled. "But um...I can ask everyone at the gift exchange this weekend, and I'll let y'all know," she nodded. "Thank you," she grinned gratefully. One thing she had always been, despite being spoiled her whole life, was gracious and well mannered, and her parents loved that about her.

As they went to respond, Samara came in, loud as usual.

"Hey stank! How was your day? Lemme tell you—oh hi Mr. and Mrs. Cartier," she waved, as she walked into frame. 

"Hi sweetie!" Nadira waved.

"Hi Samara," her dad waved as well. "Let us let you go, princess. You let us know okay?"

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