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"Nigga if you don't shoot your damn shot with this girl," Duck rolled his eyes as they strolled the mall

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"Nigga if you don't shoot your damn shot with this girl," Duck rolled his eyes as they strolled the mall. It had been a week since everything happened, and he felt like they had just gotten closer since then.

Of course, she was freaking out when she woke up because he missed class and made him sleep on the couch and was sure his neck was stiff. He assured her he was completely fine, and he didn't mind missing one lecture every now and then.

"I can't do that, bro I explained that to you," he stressed as they headed toward the food court. It was the weekend now and they just wanted to be off campus.

"No, what you did was give me an excuse," he said, walking up to join the chick fil a line. Armani sucked his teeth at his friends statement. "You did!"

"It wasn't a damn excuse," Mani rolled his eyes as they moved up in line.

"Let me hear it again. Let's review," Duck said, motioning for him to repeat himself.

"All I said was, I like what we got going on bro. We friends and I like that, I don't wanna fuck it up just because I like her. If something goes wrong and we in a relationship, all that friend shit goes out the window and you know that," Armani stressed. Duck sighed heavily, running his hands down his face.

"Now, as yo' best friend, let me tell you what you just said. You just said you scared," Duck shrugged.


"Let me finish, stupid," he chuckled. "Last year you came out of a real traumatic relationship. So being scared is fair. But you going into it expecting Jailyn shit to happen. It's not fair to expect Jailyn shit from Nayeli. She's not Jailyn, bro, and you know that," Duck said. Armani knew he was right, too.

"But you can't blame me for not wanting another relationship after that shit, Duck," he said as they finally approached the counter. They placed their order and stood off to the side waiting. Right before Duck could respond, he checked his phone, and saw Nai finally responded to his text.

Mariposa🦋: wowwww armani you went without me again! you supposed to been took me to this mall 💀 so disloyal.

: im sorry mami 😂😂 next time I swear

Mariposa🦋: mhm, whateverrrr

He chuckled at her text and when he looked up, Duck was looking at him like he was stupid.

"What I do?" he asked, scrunching his eyebrows up.

"Do you see how you're smiling at that damn phone? You're an idiot. Let's go," Duck said as they finally got their food.

Once they got to the table and began eating, Duck continued lecturing his friend. "Now, I'm not saying I blame you for not wanting to be involved with another girl, because I get you, dawg. But you depriving yourself of something that could be great cuz you scared? You need to just talk to her and tell her that, explain yourself and your feelings, you done it before. Don't let that girl go, Mani,"

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