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2 // JAPAN
"kids will show you and you'll learn."

Jimin wakes up with no recall of the day before.

his mind is blank until his head starts banging. blurry images of yesterday arrive in a rush, through an unexpected, awful headache. train journeys, cousin, job offer, children, a girl...

Jimin sighs, frustrated with the reality he faces. he didn't come home straight away after seeing his family- he decided to go elsewhere, seeking comfort in a female stranger he had no intention of seeing again. it's something he does often, no morals and no thoughts involved. it's just a thing he does. he doesn't think of his actions or behaviours in a logical or moral way. he just lives and does what he has to do, to survive.

it's morning now and he's alone. he shamefully reaches for his phone, eyes barely open as he shuts his alarm off. Park Jimin isn't a morning person- he used to be, due to the influence of a good friend but now it's a miserable feeling he doesn't love.

Jimin lies on his back, phone in one hand as he stretches his body. his other hand wipes his eyes, wiping away the crust and being welcomed by the artificial, bright light of his phone. he spots a message from his father- same old, how are you? call me soon?

nothing from his mother.

Jimin throws his phone aside and it lands on the other side of the bed. he's glad it didn't fall onto the floor today. he can only reply to messages when he's in the mood- sometimes he forgets and leaves people on read. it's a bad, undeniable habit but he doesn't mean any harm by it. how does one act like they are doing fine? how do you reply?

his small limbs gain satisfaction when he stretches more, still not making any effort to get out of the bed. he likes lounging around, enjoying slow mornings. Jimin doesn't want to do today. he doesn't want to do any day. he'd rather be travelling the glorious world with a bright, genuine smile rather than...

oh shit. it's Jimin's first day at the school today and he's going to be late!


Jimin had no expectations.

in his time, he's learnt not to have expectations for anything and anyone. they either fail, succeed or disappoint you with a gut feeling.

that's why Jimin had no expectations for his first day at work. all he knew was that he'd be put in a classroom with a teacher who's experienced and a bunch of kids that will stare at him with innocent, bulging eyes. Jimin was ready to stare back at them with knowing eyes, aware that most of them will be grabbed violently by the world and social media in the near future.

Jimin observes the second class of the day. he hasn't had much time to talk to his cousin- there's not much to talk about anyway. he completes tasks given by the main teacher and helps the children with small activities.

Jimin's only been at the brightly coloured, homely school for a few hours but he's already getting used to the kids. he recognises the troublemaker- the one who keeps pestering him, the sweet girls, the shy boys who want to work hard, the tired ones, the stressful ones and the ones who want to go home.

Jimin remembers which one he used to be. he was a mixture of troublesome and tired- the two personas stayed until he was older and ended up affecting him in later life. it explains his struggle of getting a job nowadays.

neatly dressed Jimin noticed the way people reacted to him when he walked into the building. he strolled through the reception area, hand pushing through his beige locks, dressed in a button up, white shirt and slim fit, black trousers. the only suitable shoes he had were matching black trainers. teachers took double glances, eyes observing, waiting and forced smiles. wow- he heard a lady say and Park Jimin smirked. the children however, were curious but forgot about his existence quickly.

"this is Mr Park. everyone, say hi."

Jimin forced a smile as his eyes raked over the children he'd have to get used to. "hi, it's nice to meet you all. i look forward to working with you." he also gestures to the teacher.

she's an older woman, married and reserved in her manner. she's strict but approachable. straight hair, wrinkled cheeks and trousers- she hates floral patterns and jewellery. Jimin feels like they'll make a good team and he's hoping they can bring the young children some comfort and cheer. they'll have to work well together.

Jimin is now on his one hour lunch break. it's at the same time as the children and the rest of the school. he couldn't bring himself to go to the staff room, interact with other staff members- smile fake smiles and make up information about his grand knowledge and educational background. so instead, he sits outside and observes the children with an apple in his hand.

an apple is all he brought.

Jimin didn't eat breakfast. he didn't think it would be such a long day but now his stomach is rumbling and he's hungry. he's hungry.

"is that all you have sir?"

a boy from his class approaches Jimin with no warning. his presence makes the inexperienced, lonely teaching assistant startle in surprise. "yes. i was in a rush." he admits to the student who looks at him with blue eyes.

"do you want to share my snacks with me?" the boy sits beside Jimin outside. he holds a blank expression as he opens his lunch box. his naive kindness makes Jimin more surprised. "i bet you're hungry." he states, not realising how close he's sitting. Jimin finds it admirable- how confident and at ease the blue eyed boy is with the new teacher.

"do i look hungry?" Jimin wonders.

the boy shrugs. "everyone is always hungry."

"that is very true." Jimin let's out a genuine chuckle. the boy just made his day- the loneliness is passing. it's the first time the older has laughed today and he can tell that it's an achievement due to the warmth in his tight chest. kids are alright i guess.

"here. i have carrot sticks." the boy shows him as he looks away.

Jimin is aware that he probably isn't allowed to share a kids lunch but he can't reject the kind offer. "thank you." he says with a smile. the boy doesn't return his smile, he doesn't even notice it as they both munch on carrot sticks that make a loud noise.

"you remind me of a friend i used to have." Jimin tells the boy. "he had dimples exactly like you." he recalls a faint memory of his old friend- he had dimples, he had charm, intelligence... every trait was simply admirable and as he grew older, there was more to admire than just his nice dimples.

at the end of the long, week day, Jimin feels okay for the first time in a while because he sees the boy who offered him carrot sticks. the little boy waves at Jimin as he leaves to go home, still holding a blank expression as he grabs his empty lunch box.

Jimin thinks about his dimpled friend that he misses when he's walking home. he holds a fiery cigarette between his parting, coral painted lips as faint, lovely but sad memories flash through his banging head. his vision gets blurred by the cigarette smoke as well as the melancholic tears of loss that appear in his brown eyes.


we all know who the friend is ;(

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