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Jimin isn't as patient as he thought he was.

as he waits for Serenity to open the door, his impatience grows and his hand hovers over the glaring door handle. it's mocking him, he feels. why? for being here again, how he can't stay away from her as he glares back at the object. he nearly knocks into the owner of the apartment as she welcomes him.

"i've been thinking about you all day." is the first thing he confesses when he walks into her private place. he's been here a couple of times, vice versa and they've become friends with certain benefits they don't discuss. Serenity has become comfortable in his presence, just like him and it's carefree.

troubled Jimin didn't think it would lead to this. it doesn't feel messy yet it feels strange. it's not immoral to act. he wishes a sign had told him he'd get involved with someone from the past, a stranger that will become a friend and satisfy his desires but also be the solution to his loneliness.

even if a sign written in crimson red, did come, he'd throw his head back with a mocking laugh and believe it. it's expected and he knows himself.

it's not a stupid idea- whatever him and Serenity are doing. this relationship is one that is on mutual terms, mutual using to forget other people. the term relationship can't even be used. why would he deny something that's good for him as well as someone else?

there's no harm in being involved with someone who wants the same thing.

Serenity who's training to be a therapist, sits at her organised desk as she raises her brows at his statement. she tries not to show her flustered movements. "is that so?" she asks, her teasing manner very apparent.

Jimin can tell she's happy with his words and the truth is, he came here for one thing and one thing only. he did think about her all day. she's the perfect thing to think about... her figure, her eyes, the daring nature of her presence, the sounds that sneak past her lips, how she feels under his hands, how she reacts to him... it's addicting.

Jimin is honest sure but he's never told anyone he's thought about them all day. that's a different kind of honesty. it's raw, vulnerable and declares attachment. it just slipped out intentionally. he wanted her to know that she's more powerful than she realises.

"have you been at work all day?" Serenity questions. Jimin doesn't remember the last time someone asked him about his day and him being so concerned about the importance of trivial things like care of another.

"yes." he replies.

"you should've been concentrating Jimin." Serenity tuts, lips forming a smirk as she gazes at him from her desk. her brown eyes and brown hair mock his own physical features, pen in her hand as they look at each other.

he's been waiting for a moment like this all day and so has she.

"say my name again." flustered, he is.

Serenity does as she's told. "Jimin." this time her tone of voice is different. it changes into one so meaningful that Jimin almost believes.

believes what exactly? he's not sure.

"i thought about you at work too."

now it's Jimin's turn to smirk. he nears closer, teasing expression on his face as the shy female shifts in her seat. "what did you think about baby?" he questions, thinking about all the things he wants to do to her. his list isn't enough for a piece of paper after all that he's been thinking about today.

"how much i wanted you." Serenity doesn't hesitate and it surprises Jimin. she's not as shy as he thought. her confidence makes her sexier and he wants to do nothing more but to bend her over her desk. "how i want you to call me baby again..."

there's no doubt that lust has connected them.

Serenity can't handle herself or Jimin either. she's just better at repressing. she tugs at the end of Jimin's jacket, pulling him closer. her fingers accidentally brush his waistband. their noses brush against each other affectionately as he bends down to her seated height. "you smell of-" she starts, eyes closing in heated, messy adoration.

"cigarettes i know."

"i would offer you a cigarette but you're already smoking hot." Jimin can't help the pick up line that swipes out his mouth before he thinks. he hasn't felt embarrassed in a long time and his cheeks are turning red, so red that he wants to hide.

"oh wow." Serenity lifts her hand, pressing her fingers down on Jimin's hair as she nears closer. they're afraid to look into each other's eyes and see emotion. luckily, there isn't any yet. brown, soft strands fall and she can't resist. she presses a light, aching kiss to the edge of his beautiful, pink coloured lips, teasing but satisfying so much of their yearning in an expected way.

"come on." Jimin places his hand on her clothed thigh, large on her lap as it trails around her body. his touch leaves an ignited path of hot flame as he gives in to her kisses. "that was so smooth right?" he laughs and squeezes her at the same time.

"oh shut up and kiss me."

"is this what you thought about at work?" Serenity gasps when Jimin's lips attack the base of her throat, hands clamping down to hold her legs in place as they lose all their senses.

"i thought about doing crazy things to you Seren." Jimin's voice is a low rumble as his hair tickles Serenity's skin, hands holding her like she's his and he's hers.



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