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Jimin is a good listener.

some may say his parents did a good job but the boy disagrees.

Jimin believes it's Namjoon's influence. the tall, calm and collected man brought more than just comfort and likeness. he taught him more than his parents ever did, in terms of how to live through life as a good person and live unapologetically. Jimin took it all in, heavily influenced by Namjoon's kind, inspiring nature and doesn't remember the last time he even apologised.

saying the word sorry isn't something he does anymore.

so when it comes to being a good listener, it's all thanks to Namjoon. he taught lonely Jimin how not to prepare meaningful sentences, the difference between sympathy and empathy, how ones expressions matter and how listening is better than talking.

Namjoon was always a listener but could be a talker when he needed to be. he didn't lack in either, he was good at anything he set his heart to. his passion was evident.

Jimin used to be a huge talker in the blurry past. his chatty attitude gained him popularity in high school, as well as game with the girls. although, he still inhibits the characteristic- its limited, he tries to listen more. quietness has started to accompany him, especially in his new job as an assistant.

a part of today's class involves everyone listening, including the staff.

Jimin watches the children in awe. everyone is listening. not a single child isn't paying attention to the speaker at the front of the class.

to be honest, Jimin is intrigued by the topics of the surprise talk. he was never taught about sex education, periods or the lgbtq+ community in school. he's glad the world has improved and recognised its significance.

he's learning too. the definitions of bisexual and pansexual float around in his thinking head. there's so many terms, abbreviations, knowledge- what are the kids thinking?

then Jimin sighs. he's thinking about Serenity again. ever since Sunday morning, she's been on his mind. it's now Monday and images, thoughts and feelings are still bugging him. did he even get her number?

Jimin pulls out his phone, ready to scroll through his numerous contacts until a staff member nudges him. "phones away." she whispers harshly. he doesn't know her but obeys anyway.

"my bad." Jimin slips his phone away.

the teaching assistant focuses on the class once again. it's time for questions and he stands up straight, eager to see what the young generation has to say. will they be blunt?

"so when two people from the same gender love each other, is it wrong because it isn't normal?" and Jimin flinches, the heaviness of his heart taking a huge burden.


brown haired Jimin straightens out his tie before leaving the empty classroom with new books to assess. it's the end of the long weekday. he has to carry the children's homework home with tired arms. he's glad the books don't have to be marked for tomorrow. he can start working on them another day. today he's lacking energy.

as he walks through the isolated corridor to head out of the building with an unknown sticker on his head, his phone starts to ring. Jimin sighs, hands busy with books.

"hey. let me pick it up for you."

Jaehyun surprises Jimin as he appears behind him with a glorious smile on his face. the younger cousin knows exactly why the school adores him, the kids and staff like who's in charge because he's good at his job and nice in manner as he always shines.

Jimin gestures towards the pocket of his jacket. Jaehyun shows him the contact which appears as unknown as he picks it up for him swiftly.

Jaehyun speaks. his tone is calm, authoritative in the same way he acts around staff at the school. he should pick up all his unknown calls.  "Jimin's phone. who's speaking?" he questions, eyeing his cousin before taking the sticker off his head.

"Jimin? yes. he's right here."

Jaehyun mouths. "it's a girl." before taking the heavy books out of his hands and pressing the phone against his ear. he leaves into his office, alllwing Jimin to take the call, raising eyebrows with a proud look.

a girl?

"hi." a voice courses through Jimin's ears. it's serene, confident and familiar. how has she escaped from his thoughts and now actually talking to him? "shit. i called the wrong number but how are you doing?"

Jimin can tell Serenity didn't mean to call him but it makes him cheerful when she doesn't hang up immediately. she's taking this chance to ask him how he is. was she thinking of him too? "you have my number?" he questions. the logic hits him quickly.

"yeah, you put it into my phone when you were drunk."

Jimin laughs. that sounds like him. he doesn't even want to think about the amount of stupid, embarrassing shit he must've said. he usually doesn't see or hear from the people he sleeps with, the next day so this is new. he hasn't has thoughts like this before. it's not sitting well within him. "wow. you sound different when you're sober." he bites his lip too harshly. she sounds not as emotionally distant or upset. she's more friendly.

"thanks?" Serenity forces a laugh. Jimin however, doesn't feel embarrassed. he says and does shit he doesn't think about. it's just how he is. "anyway... sorry for disturbing you."

Serenity hangs up and Jimin laughs.

it's a lively sound that fills his body with ease and life. a smirk slowly spreads onto his lips as he stares at his phone, dropping his bag onto the floor. he calls her again.

Serenity picks up almost straight away. "h-hello?"

"fancy a drink tonight?"

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