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Jimin is hardly aggressive.

when he's drunk, it's another side of him.

Serenity arrives at the bar she's meeting the alluring boy.

the first thing she witnesses is Jimin outside of the building with his hands in the air, rings decorating several fingers. there's an unlit cigarette in between his lips as he stumbles, denim jacket nearly falling off his shoulders. he looks exactly like a troublemaker- one dressed in leather boots, skinny jeans and soft hair pushed back.

Serenity is still approaching him, watching the scene from afar.

"hey you drunk fucker!" a large man is a few steps away from intoxicated Jimin who's too busy waving his cigarette in the others scowling face.

"who a-are you calling drunk? no, you're the drunk one!" Jimin can barely open his eyes as he stares at the man he's about to get into a fight with.

before Jimin's aggressiveness can jump out, sober Serenity links her arm with his and makes them walk away. "let's get you home, shall we?"

in that moment, Jimin opens his eyes properly, meeting hers, eyelashes flickering- the hazelness of emotions in his orbs are swirling like a washing machine, making both individuals clench their hearts at the eye contact. they think about yesterday all over again. one sober and one drunk but both thinking the same thing.

Serenity apologises for the potential nuisance. Jimin smiles, leaning into her warm embrace- their sides glued to each other unknowingly.

Jimin notices Serenity's uneasy gaze at his closeness. he shifts even closer to get on her nerves. when she doesn't retreat away, he frowns a little. she's so uniquely different.

Jimin links his arm with Serenity's as they start to walk away from the bustling, lit up club. they were meant to meet up and have a friendly drink but it seems that Jimin already started without her. he couldn't wait, losing control of how much he drank and before he knew it, his hands were pushing his sweaty strands of hair back as his tongue soaked in the sweet taste of forgetting.

speaking of forgetting... "who were you trying to forget last night?" Jimin questions, standing up straight and no longer slumping.

Serenity laughs. his abrupt question catches her off guard as she takes a long moment to look at the boy. "does it matter?" she asks. does anything matter? does this interaction matter? does this night matter?

"yes." Jimin says quietly. his honesty astounds even himself as he keeps his eyes focused on Serenity. why can't he look away? she doesn't mean anything to him. "i care about you." but i don't. i'm just nosy that's all.

"sure you do." Serenity laughs a lot- Jimin thinks. "a lot of people." her answer is detailed but simple, it gives a lot away yet she's mysterious.

just like him.

"did you forget about them?"

"yes i did."

Jimin licks his lips. "good."

Serenity nudges him. minimal touch. minimal contact. minimal chat. "what about you?" she fires back at Jimin who raises his brows.

"oh darling." Jimin leans in a little, noticing Serenity's flustered cheeks. "you don't need to know about that." he smirks and moves away.

Jimin avoids her question smoothly but so obviously. he doesn't want her to know too much. a mystery is what he intends to remain as. he just knows from the way his body is reacting against his will, that him and Serenity are just two linked souls with the possibility of forgetting people they both knew but no longer have. different people, similar motives and the exact, same solution.

"drive us to... thank you sir." Jimin asserts carefully. he clarifies his address in a clear tone, patting the mans back as he leans back. the drunk male spreads his jean covered legs, hand naturally bringing the girl closer.

as the traffic light turns red, Jimin kisses Serenity passionately.

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