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"we just want someone to tell us how good we are."

Jimin has never liked praise.

mainly because he doesn't know how to react to a compliment directed towards him. Jimin used to stutter with shyness back in high school- he didn't know how to react, the words thank you would collapse on his tongue and he'd end up blushing.

now, he still doesn't know how to accept compliments. if it's friends, he directs them back at the direction it came and he can just about say thank you. Jimin has escaped his shy shell though- he'll accept them with shyness internally but on the outside, he probably appears prideful with a clever smile.

"you did good today." the teacher he works with speaks, a mumbled thank you also being heard. it makes Jimin think of Namjoon- he used to tell him to 'do well' with a kind smile. dimples, tanned skin, layers of denim and loving hugs he'd try to avoid smilingly.

"thank you. i'm trying to get better." better. better. better.

the teacher agrees with his statement as she finishes tidying the classroom. the weekend is here now. "you still have a long way to go but you're doing well. don't be too hard on yourself." she gives him a reassuring smile- one Jimin hasn't really been given.

the experienced lady takes Jimin by surprise when she places a pile of books in his weak hands. "mark all these books for me and bring it back for Monday." she informs the boy.

Jimin doesn't mind. he has nothing else to do anyway.

he puts them into his backpack carefully before bidding goodbye to the teacher he spends too much time with. tired, sleep deprived yet calm Jimin starts to make his way home- the walk much more pleasant than his train rides used to be. he can take his time; walk at his own pace and listen to music. he gets to spend time by himself, knowing he can rest for two days in loneliness.

it's raining today. the hood is on his head as he smokes, hand turning wet as he chews on his gum. as he's about to cross the occupied road, Jimin spots a familiar kid from his class. the blue eyed boy who shared his lunch with him on his first day at the school. they spot each other with recognition.

Jimin recalls Jaehyun's frowning face and the lady with the scowl so he quickly hides his burning cigarette behind his back. a cheeky smile slips onto Jimin's lips as the boy reflects his expression. the atmosphere feels light as Jimin waves his hand energetically.

"i can still see it!" the boy laughs and clutches his stomach. it makes Jimin feel lighter than ever.

amused Jimin puts a finger to his lips and walks away, smiling.

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