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Jimin walks out of the school building with the biggest smirk on his face.

his pink hair flicks behind him, long legs dressed in black jeans moving with swift strides as he radiates model like energy. he waves his pay cheque, brown eyes glinting with evident excitement and he internally screams as he makes his way to Serenity who's been waiting for him. she stands, watching him as he nears closer and tilts her head at the sight of his cheery self. just as she's about to ask what's up, Jimin speaks first.

"i'm finally moving out of my apartment!" Jimin explains as he grins from ear to ear, pink plump lips revealing his teeth as he takes closer steps towards the female figure. their bodies nearly press against each other as he kisses her happily. he senses how she freezes but kisses him back anyway, lips smacking with him still smiling. the short kiss ignites desire in them as they head to whichever place they like to call home.

i've never known a home.

Jimin notices how Serenity touches her lips with her fingers shyly and he licks his own, he feels the same way. Serenity's lips are so soft and he can't get enough of kissing her. even as they head back to one of their places, just a simple brush of her shoulder makes his body twinge. he's not sure if it's likeness or lust. it must be lust, obviously...

Jimin has been saving money from his well earned wages from the school. working months at the brilliant school, thanks to Jaehyun, has given him enough money to finally afford a new change. a new apartment with a cleaner space and overall, a new sense of area feels good as a fresh start.

he's excited. although he's not a fan of change, he knows this is a good, needed one as he beams at his physical pay cheque. he had kissed Serenity out of surprise, way too happy with his new circumstances. he becomes even happier when his female friend offers to help him pack.

so the next few days include Jimin and Serenity packing up the boy's essentials into labelled boxes. the female had suggested the idea of having different categories, one to donate and one with what he'll keep.

so they did. it was an organised method and they had completed the packing up and getting ready to move in one day. Jimin just couldn't wait to get started at his new place which is why he hurried the process as quickly as possible. his new apartment was ready to be moved into. now it just needs him and his things (he doesn't have much).

so as Serenity and Jimin carry the last boxes out of the apartment and make their way downstairs, the boy stops at the reception desk. he's smirking.

"before i forget..." Jimin places the box on the floor briefly before rummaging his pockets for something. his last rent pay. he grins at the renter happily, he doesn't ever have to see him or this filthy building ever again. "you should clean this place up. here, use my money." he throws the money in the older man's face and starts to walk away.

"good fucking luck." the renter laughs.

"i should be saying that to you."

later in the afternoon, after a nice lunch, Serenity and Jimin get to work. they push their hair away and get through every box. their goal is to complete everything in at least two days. the determination that coursed through their strong veins was contagious.

although multiple distractions occurred, such as Jimin lifting Serenity onto his spotless desk and kissing her until she couldn't breathe, dropping spoons and pans, trying to untangle meaningful polaroid's and sitting on the floor, huffing because they didn't like the songs on the radio.

"you don't have much stuff." Serenity stands in the middle of the apartment with her hands on her hips. she looks around, pleased with what they had achieved. the apartment looks much better than Jimin's previous one. this has an unintentional colour scheme, more space to show the clarity of different rooms and everything is organised and decorated in a manner for easy living.

"no i don't." Jimin agrees, looking up from where he sits as his hands fiddle with what's in the last box. he stills when he notices a denim jacket but doesn't show Serenity his reaction or feelings. "i do a lot of cleaning and never keep things around long enough."

"this wasn't as hard as i thought." Jimin states and closes the cardboard box again before kicking it away. he doesn't want to acknowledge the jacket right now. he's aware there is much more hidden underneath.

he's proud as he looks around. he can see himself living here and that itself, creates a happy feeling in his chest.

"it didn't even take a day." Serenity high fives Jimin as they both appreciate the shelves, the clean tops of furniture, the blank walls except for one with polaroid's, the compact kitchen and the window view of the busy city. "are you going to start putting things up on the shelves?" the female questions, pointing ahead at the blankness.

"yeah sure, let's get started." so they do. they finish what needs to be finished and eventually, the shelves are decorated with candles and plants. Serenity had brought a plant as a housewarming gift and Jimin made sure to kiss her to thank her. when she smiled through the kiss, he knew he just gave her the best thank you ever.

after spending every minute of the day together, the duo still don't bother to part ways. Serenity decides she's going to stay here tonight, even though Jimin might want to enjoy his first night at his new place, she wants to stay and she doesn't think Jimin will say no.

especially since right now, Jimin can't stop kissing her as they sit on his new balcony. this time it isn't just an open window, it's a balcony with a small chair and a view of the city streets. he's higher up in the building which keeps him away from the noise and chatter.

Serenity can't help but gaze at the stars that litter the sky behind Jimin as he kisses her eagerly. she's pressed against every part of his body since he wanted her to sit on the chair with him. so she sat on his lap and immediately her hands found solace in his pink strands.

Jimin kisses Serenity like she's never been kissed before. soft lips move against each other as they eventually move downwards, the intention of leaving a mark becoming apparent. Serenity's hands pull at the ends of his hair as he smooths his hands over her hips, rubbing slow circles.

the kissing eventually turns into cuddling and they sink into each other's hold. they're too busy looking back at each other than ahead, which explains why they miss the shooting stars that grace the sky unexpectedly.

"what do you think of love?"

Jimin just blinks at Serenity's answer, not sure what to think of such a question. her questions always catch him off guard. the boy has never been fond of love because of it's loud appreciation. "i think it's just a thing." he replies blankly and looks out to the night sky. love is just a concept that's all. is it real? definitely but it is just a thing that humans have given importance to.

Jimin does after all, believe in love.

"a thing?"

"a thing."

a thing that comes in many forms.


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