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Jimin usually finds surprises never surprising.

but today, one at the school really had surprised him. for the first time in a while, the infatuated and grieving boy was surprised. he walked into the school this morning, ready to take on his day filled with kids until he stumbled across a lady at the reception desk. she met his gaze after he noticed her first and they ended up smiling.

Jimin didn't expect to see Serenity as his first blessing of the day.

he didn't get the chance to ask what she was doing here as he signed in his attendance before leaving to get to his classroom on time.

ever since the silent interaction, he's been thinking about the smiling girl all day and he's sure his mind is tired. it's tired of thinking too much about a girl who isn't important to him. his focus on work has been fine sure, but he can't wait to see her again. what was she doing here? why is he excited?

at break time, Jimin finds out Serenity's here as a volunteer. his heart leaps a little at the thought of her being so considerate and helpful. she's here to help kids and lessen the burden for teachers. she's being a pious person.

he watches her work with her allocated class. the boy likes how Serenity doesn't notice him because it gives him the chance to really observe her, what she's like when she's not with him but when she's with other people. she's not on guard or sceptical about her actions. he realises she's helpful, kind and a good listener. she's in the right profession and he can tell she has some experience with children.

throughout the slow day, Serenity and Jimin catch each other's glances as they walk through displayed corridors. unfortunately, they're both occupied with tasks from their superior teachers and never get the chance to speak to each other. they so badly want to speak to each other, find out why the other is here but things remain strictly professional with stolen glances and timid smiles. a burning sensation ripples in their stomachs until they can speak.

then, towards the end of the day, Serenity walks through the empty corridors as her eyes look around for Jimin. she's hoping she can spot the smartly dressed boy and speak to him. she hasn't had the chance to all day!

then a cough is heard behind her. Serenity swiftly turns, excited grin spreading across her lips as she follows Jimin into the copier room. no one is present and they silently cheer, both smiling at the chance to finally converse in a setting they never expected. what are the chances they'd end up at the same workplace?

"am i dreaming?" Jimin teases as soon as she walks inside.

"no this is real." Serenity laughs as her eyes meet Jimin's in the small room. there's papers everywhere and anyone could walk inside, question what they're doing.

they're just talking, no harm right?

"why are you here?"

"i need some experience in a school, with kids." Serenity answers, head nodding as she crosses her arms over her chest. she notices Jimin's gaze, his brown eyes look up and down her.

"now i have to control myself at work too?"

Jimin enjoys the warm climate. it's full of teasing and promises meant to be broken. Jimin feels his stomach clench as he bites down on his lip. it's so obvious they're both resisting the urge to kiss each other hysterically.

"perhaps you do, can you do that?" Serenity responds cockily. Jimin almost rolls his eyes in pleasure at her tone. she's so confident in manner sometimes that he wonders if he's ever seen her shy. but he has, he's seen multiple sides to the girl and he hasn't known her that long. what sides of him has she seen? does she like what she's seen?

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