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dedicated to @vipertae


Jimin loves lying.

little white lies cause no harm, unless you get caught. it's not something he does often but when he does, he knows he gets away with it.

lying is a habit he's always had. when he was younger, lying about school and friends became normal and it continued into his teenage years. the most important time he didn't tell a little white lie was when his mother asked him what his sexuality was. saying the truth costed him a good relationship.

"do you visit him?" Serenity asks.

she doesn't even have to say his name. the ghostly figure, even without a name attached is still powerful. "no. do you?" Jimin lies, firing the short question back at the female.

Serenity nods slowly. Jimin can read her easily now. she's wondering why he doesn't visit Namjoon, little does she know... "i do yeah, i try my best." she says quietly. it's as if she's talking to herself as she looks down, hands in her pockets. "it's a way for me to release everything. i talk as if he's actually listening to me." her belief is strong, although her eyes flicker away.

"does it make you feel better?"

Serenity nods.

Jimin can see it. he can see Serenity sitting at Namjoon's grave, dressed in layers of clothing as she talks to him out loud about her day. she'd rub her face, trying not to touch the soil as her fingers burned from touching the grey stone. she'd talk as if he's in front of her, nodding and actively listening. he knows because he's the same.

"then that's all that matters."

Jimin reassures Serenity and he catches the surprised smile she gives him, sides brushing as they walk together. he can feel the denim jacket covering her hands as he refrains from touching her. he's happy she listens. the evening breeze is sweeping his and Serenity's hair back, mocking their heat and he refrains from running his hand through his hair for the hundredth time.

Jimin doesn't mind the closeness they walk at, sides brushing, hands almost touching but he knows Serenity acknowledges how he moves his hand away to light a cigarette. she's used to it yet she watches his delicate movements of holding the toxic stick between his fingers, positioning it in between his plump lips gracefully.

his eyes always meet hers as he smokes passionately.

"thank you for walking me home." Serenity lifts her eyes to look at Jimin. even in the depth of darkness, Jimin feels a shiver run down his spine when she looks at him sincerely. him being able to read her emotions scares him and him having a physical reaction to her nearly makes him shit his pants.

walking her home was his idea. Serenity had spent the evening at his apartment which was eventful. sleeping together, then looking through television channels, eating snacks and Serenity then deciding she wants to go home and work on some work for work. he didn't want her to walk home alone in the dark.

Jimin doesn't smile. instead, he smokes in her face unintentionally. he likes how she doesn't mind it, slightly flinching. "it's no problem." his voice is deep, rumbling through his chest as he scratches the side of his neck. he accidentally grazes the red hickey on his neck as he maintains eye contact with the girl he wonders if he'll sleep with tonight.

"do you want to come inside?"

most likely will sleep with her. "you think that's a good idea?"

Serenity doesn't back down. her attitude is a turn on for Jimin and he doesn't notice the heat spreading throughout his body when he steps closer. "is anything between us at the moment a good idea?" she asks something he's been afraid of acknowledging.

"well it's perfectly moral to act on instinct right?" Jimin seeks an answer. it's more like a rhetorical question as if he's telling himself it's okay.


"whatever we feel is natural right?"


"then i shall come inside-" Jimin moves her arm away, stepping into her apartment as she closes the door behind their bodies.

they both thought it was wrong anyway.



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