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Jimin hates overthinking.

as he sits in the staff room at his lunch break at the school, he can't help but think the same thing over and over again. what is he doing?

he never sits in the staff room. sometimes, he takes one apple outside and hangs out with the kids. even though the boy lives alone, he doesn't like to be left alone with his thoughts.

today is particularly a bad day for his head as he's thinking too much. as he sits, helping himself to biscuits and stares out of the window. he feels the isolation that hits him, despite being in a school filled with multiple people. then he thinks about Namjoon. he knew a different type of loneliness and nothing could ever compare to how he must've felt when he fell on his last night.

why did he have to die alone? Jimin wipes away a running tear.

Namjoon was always a quiet soul that enjoyed life and it's various unexpected events and obstacles. he never complained, not even about his treatment or upcoming death.

his life before he got the sickness was one of uneasy euphoria. he had big dreams that he shared with Jimin, they helped each other with everything, despite their emotions. they hid them away because their friendship was always more important, yet they found out when he was sick.

Namjoon was never sure of what he wanted in life. he just knew that he wanted to do something he loved. he enjoyed writing music, creating something with his own hands.

Jimin unclenches his jaw. he's stressed and he didn't even realise. he moves away from the window and walks out of the staff room before throwing his trash away. his mind is messy.

what's he doing with Serenity? he can't help but think again. he's asked this question and every time, he never has an answer to it.

the truth is, he doesn't know what he's doing with the girl. they've both had issues with living in the present and now that they are, they're thinking ahead with questions.

questions that don't need answers.

Jimin approaches the classroom she works at. he peeks through the small window of the wooden door, hand pressing against the arts and crafts stuck on the outside.

he opens the door, interrupting her chat with her fellow volunteer. Jimin makes sure to smile politely, greeting them both. "do you have your car?" he asks then, directly gazing into Serenity as something heated swirls in his stomach. just her eye contact...

"yeah, why?"

Jimin takes Serenity's hand as soon as they leave the building. she holds a questioning look, holding onto him as he brings her to the car.

"Jimin. is everything okay?"

Serenity immediately shuts her mouth when Jimin opens the door, making her lie down before getting in with her. her hands instinctually wrap around the back of his neck, nails scratching the ends of his hair as he closes the door. "let's hope no one sees us."

Jimin moans in pleasure as Serenity pushes her hips upwards, teasing him and she smiles deviously.

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