323 39 17

dedicated to @Midiiplier


Jimin likes the feeling of comfort.

he feels comfortable at his house, in his classroom, playing soccer with the children, being at Namjoon's with his cigarettes in his pocket, at Jaehyun's and now at Serenity's.

he didn't want to feel comfortable at Serenity's organised, nice smelling apartment but it happened before he could even talk to himself. he got too used to her scent, her taste, her presence and her voice. the feeling of comfort must've kicked in when he started sleeping at hers, too tired to go back to his in the middle of the night or woke up in her nice bed and used her bathroom, appreciating the spare toothbrush.

seeing her at her desk and him gazing whilst wandering around became a comforting concept too. his bare feet against her wooden floorboards and her hair tickling his skin in the morning was all too familiar.

Jimin sits on Serenity's couch, leg draped over the other as he attempts to analyse a children's drawing. he was handed the paper with the specific instruction to analyse the sunshine, the stick figures and love hearts. he can't help but look at Serenity with a sense of needing help as she finishes her work notes, focusing on every word.

"that's really good." the female interrupts his thinking at one point. she's standing next to him randomly, with her bony hands on her hips as she stares in awe at the kids drawing and use of bright colours. she's a children person and Jimin is but also isn't...

"thank you. i did it myself."

Serenity scoffs with a smile. "did you? well done."

"no i'm just kidding."

so they both sit to analyse the drawing.

"go on psychologist." Jimin teases. he doesn't quite know what she's training to be but it's linked to mental health. "what does it mean?"

"i'm not a psychologist." Serenity shoves his shoulder playfully. "you're better at observing than me." the fact that she knows that concerns both of them as they move apart.

"i can't believe we met after all this time."

Jimin looks at the girl thoughtfully. "that's a random thought." he wasn't expecting her to start talking about them, they don't really do that.

"no it's... been on my mind for a while." she mentions, brown eyes flickering away from the paper but still not meeting his. she seems deep in thought and Jimin wonders for the first time, what does she think of? is she just as crazy and foolish as me?

"what, us?" Jimin doesn't like the way the word feels on his tongue.

there is no us.

"yeah. the last time i saw you, i didn't think i'd see you again." Serenity thinks of the memory. Jimin spots the incongruence because she's smiling but the memory is dreadful. "a stranger who was going through the same shit as me." he feels her every word.

"y-yeah i didn't expect us to stay in contact or anything." Jimin adds. he never thought about Serenity since that day. why would he? it was the day of Namjoon's funeral, why would he remember a careless girl he hardly knew? this time, he feels it'll be different. they're too connected.

Jimin doesn't like talking about the past because all it brings back is dread and distaste in both his lungs and memory. he's spent too much time in the past and he truly hates how much power it has over him. some days, the tears and loneliness are so uncontrollable that cigarettes don't even help.

"me neither." Serenity agrees. he didn't mean anything to her either. the way their thoughts align alarms them both. "we didn't really need to."

"yeah... because the person that tied us together was gone." Jimin's blunt nature puts Serenity off but she nods anyway- he's right and he knows it. a small silence forms as the duo take in the direct words. one feels awkward and the other feels melancholic.

"and he's still gone... yet here we are."

Jimin adds more to her statement. "you're still tied to me Serenity."

"lucky me." neither of them know whether it's sarcasm or not.

"lucky you."

"maybe it's destiny saying something-" Jimin cracks his knuckles, watching Serenity copy his action. it makes them both laugh.

maybe destiny is telling us to stay together this time. will we listen? let's find out and see. are you willing to walk this path with me?

Serenity furrows her brows. "saying what?"

"that i want you and you want me..."

Serenity slaps her palm against her forehead as a laugh slips out of her lips. she seats herself down on Jimin's lap. "you horny fucker-" she's grinning and it's contagious.

"i was jealous of you, you know." Serenity confesses as she places her inked hands on Jimin's shoulders. she leans her forehead against his, closing her eyes as the male listens carefully. he feels at peace with their position, comforted by her gentle touch and closed eyes but jealousy? what a strange concept. what could she possibly be jealous of? he wonders. for a moment, he thinks that she knows.

"i watched you smoking on the bench that night." Serenity murmurs, opening her eyes to focus on her hands on his shoulders. her fingers graze his ears, twisting the ends of his hair. "you had something to turn to." there's jealousy in her tone.

"i didn't even have a box of cigarettes."

"don't be jealous." Jimin tugs her closer, pulling her hair in the process as her eyes snap to his immediately. "they're killing me aren't they?"


i know it's not wednesday but enjoy another update :)

i know it's not wednesday but enjoy another update :)

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