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Jimin doesn't know what to do.

for once in his life, he feels unsure of what his decisions could mean. consequences suddenly matter. should he go up to Serenity and face the embarrassment of her not knowing him? can he face that much awkwardness? should he walk away? he knew he'd regret the latter. imagine walking away from someone you want to talk to, knowing you had the chance to do so.

Jimin's reckless nature acts before his mind does which is why he stays stood in the same spot, waiting for Serenity to make eye contact with him. look at me and we'll see. let's see where the night leads us.

his rose tainted, experienced lips automatically curve into a smile full of affection he doesn't even feel for the girl. he barely knows her. Jimin's smile is natural, alluring and everything that declares he should come with a warning sign. i'm here to slip into your heart and bed- that should be the warning. his smile is a disastrous blessing. it's a smile he's never given to a drunk girl at a gay bar alone.

Jimin can't help but smile more when he notices Serenity finally looking at him. he was waiting for her response so he could see if she knew. her gaze is unexpected but expected, it lasts longer than he wanted it to and he suddenly feels conscious about the fact that his button up shirt is revealing a bit of his chest and prominent collarbone. she's analysing every bodily aspect of him with a look that's hard to read.

Jimin tilts his head, addressing her.


the seductive looking boy with brown locks and princely fashion, steps forward, nearing himself closer to a girl he last saw near a grave. a person that connected them. his eyes are still concentrated on drunk Serenity- contact between the two so distant yet so familiar and related. she seems confused as to why he's talking to a complete stranger. that's when Jimin realises no, she doesn't know him. why would she?

"how are you doing?" Jimin asks. his politeness is key to his personality- he always likes to be respectful in all situations, whether that be in the school corridors or in an alleyway of drug dealers. "what are you doing at a gay bar?" he takes the red, leather stool beside Serenity.

out of everywhere, her? here?

Serenity's expression makes Jimin laugh internally. she looks so confused, eyebrows raising as she tries to process what he had said. "a what? a gay bar?" she asks, repeating his words- clearly drunk. how long has she been drinking for? how much?

Jimin chuckles out loud this time. "yes."

Serenity clearly has no idea where she was and why she was here. Jimin, however has been here before- this is the first time he's seen her here. it's obvious from her demeanour, she isn't the one to go out a lot.

one reason why she was friends with Namjoon. the similarities hit too close to home.

the female clicks her tongue and takes a long drink from her toxic substance. Jimin swallows at the sight of her. there's no doubt that he finds her attractive, especially seeing her be so 'rebellious' and 'carefree', with her licked, thirsty lips, leather jacket over her shoulders. when he last saw her, her understanding eyes from the funeral never left him. now, the same eyes are holding questionable feelings.

"what am i doing here?" she recalls the question out loud, no clear answer. "trying to forget someone, you?" and she's being terribly honest.

Jimin can't look away. he sits on the edge of his seat casually and takes the glass of alcohol away from her hands, warm touch grazing each other. he carelessly drinks from it, copper, intense eyes not leaving her. "aren't we all?" and he scoffs. two strangers with a desire to forget someone they can't forget.

Serenity smiles. there's something binding them, it has to be more than the lust and strong alcohol.

minutes that feel like hours pass. somehow, somewhere in the passing time, physical intimacy is created. they have moved closer, not emotionally but physically. involuntarily, intoxicated, Jimin's hand takes its place on Serenity's thigh, faces inches apart and their mutual gaze shows that there are some nerves present.

Jimin could tell Serenity found his presence strange. she didn't recognise him. all he is, at the moment, is a possibly gay stranger.

Jimin becomes drunk too.

the enticing boy suddenly asks a question, one he himself didn't expect. his breath fans the females face, taking them both by lustful surprise. the atmosphere is filled with familiarity, alcohol, smoke and Jimin's heavy cologne.

when Jimin speaks, his voice comes out deeper than usual but consoling. there's something about his appearance that is intimidating but caring- it makes people open up yet run away, making sure to take two careful looks. he knows the effect he has which is why he asks, "can i?" with a slow murmur.

can i kiss you?

Jimin is staring shamelessly at Serenity's lips at this point. he wonders why she doesn't say anything, why she's walking straight into his hungry gaze. it's because she's just as desperate as him and that's pure entertainment, not just for everyone- but for them.

Serenity focuses on Jimin's lips too. there's no sign of resistance or hesitance between the duo as Serenity nods, giving permission.

Jimin doesn't waste a single second. he leans in, pressing his plump lips against Serenity's. they are both determined to leave an expression on the other. Jimin is ready to remember this tomorrow- this kiss, her... he knows he won't. he won't even remember her name, or will he? he does know her after all. she doesn't know him.

Serenity seems surprised by Jimin's powerful kiss. it's one that makes them both feel strange things, despite having their fair share of kissing experiences. this one is barbarous.

their skin begins to feel like it is burning. is a fire igniting between them? drunk Jimin feels drunk Serenity shiver in his strong hands as he trails his touch down the sides of her arms, reaching to curl around her waist.

a gasp breaks out from the parting of the females lips. surprise has joined the two as the kiss becomes more heated. Jimin can't help but wonder what capabilities they could reach- is this one of the best kisses he had ever experienced? it's so raw, needy. tongues start to collide- fighting for dominance as Serenity nearly gets off her seat with desperate eagerness to cling to the male. they must look crazy.

in reality, in logical sense, they just want to be needed after so long.

Jimin knows what Serenity is thinking when he bites her lip purposely. she moans and he pulls her closer. it's the kind of sweet danger she needs and he is here to give it to her.

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