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stumbling into peoples lives is what Jimin does best.

he did it with Namjoon and now he's doing it with Serenity. the boy reassures himself by naively thinking he won't be seeing her again. this is just a coincidence. if she knew who he was, they wouldn't be in this position.

it's not that there's something wrong with her- she just brings back too many memories. Serenity sitting beside Jimin on the bench, him telling her the news, the doctors face, Namjoon's parents when he left sadly, the funeral, carrying the coffin, her voice...

the duo leave the gay bar, unable to take their eager hands and lips off each other, despite the fact that they're emotionally distant. the lust igniting their veins becomes the driving force behind Jimin falling into Serenity's bed. he lands softly with desire.

so, a hook up?- Jimin questions his morals for once. only because it's someone he knows of, doesn't know no, someone who was associated with Namjoon. why does it not feel wrong?

before he can think any further, his back is against the soft sheets of Serenity's bed and she's climbing on top of him. her legs straddle him, her lips pressing to his with an attitude he needs. her hands fall into his hair so easily, just the way his land on her arms- brushing up and down. Jimin loves the way she's making him feel so energetic, so bizarre and relaxed. she's so ready for this.

and so is he.

"come here." Jimin murmurs, hand stroking Serenity's hips as she hovers above his body. he switches their positions shortly after and her head lands on the covers- hair gathered around her as she smiles.

then, a drunk blur of long kisses, raspy voices, hip movements, hot touches and an intimate yet affectionate erotica fills the fresh air.


Jimin leaves Serenity's apartment.

usually, he leaves in a rush. Jimin gathers his clothes, his phone and his wallet before standing up. he shakes his brown hair away from his eyes, hangover hitting him slowly. this is different, this time. he's taking his time.

Jimin can't help the cocky smirk that slides across his lips as he pulls his shirt over his head. his eyes stay glued to the girl he slept with- Serenity, in her bed as she sleeps peacefully. at least someone could sleep...

Jimin tries not to make noise as he makes his way around Serenity's place. it's neat, tidy and refreshing for him to be somewhere that isn't his place. there's a bookshelf, messy covers, canvases and a pen with a book.

Jimin takes one last look at Serenity. his beige eyes are wide awake as he waits for the regret to come. but it doesn't. there's a part of his selfishness that likes what they did.

the young man snaps out of his thoughts and leaves.

the first thing he does when he steps out of the apartment complex is phone his father. it's a call overdue. he can never prepare enough. just the ringing as he waits makes him nervous, more nervous than last night.

Jimin knows he'll be up. when he used to live at home, his father would be up before everyone. he'd also be the one to go to sleep early mainly because he'd have to go to work the next morning. Jimin knows his father is hardworking- he likes to make an influence, whether that is at the hospital he works at or with his wife who's always bickering.

Jimin isn't like his father. he couldn't take the bickering.

on the second ring, his father picks up. Jimin was waiting for him to answer the phone. he feels uneasy about the fact that he wants to hear his parents voice. "good morning son. how are you?" a deep but sweet voice is heard. the same phrase his father used to use when he'd pick him up from school.

how was your day? what was your favourite part about today? who did you play with?

Jimin remembers his childhood. he was the most carefree at that youthful time, he wishes he could go back to when he didn't know what life was like. all he cared about was his action figures and puzzles. now he doesn't even care if he bruises his knee or falls to the ground. does growing older mean you care less about yourself?

Jimin runs his hands through his hair and a sudden remembrance of Serenity tugging his strands shakes him. he gulps and pushes the image away. "i am hungover." he admits. he hasn't drank like this in a while.

his father laughs. "don't you have work today?"

Jimin sighs. his father works hard. he helps people at the hospital and puts a smile on patients faces when they need it the most. what does Jimin do? hook up with girls in his free time and fuck everything up. "no its Sunday but i have marking to do." he explains as he starts to walk home.

"how are you anyway, how's mom?" Jimin diverts the focus away. it's a skill he's gotten good at. luckily, it works on his father like a charm. with Namjoon, it never worked...

"she's good. thank you for asking."

Jimin feels his jaw twitch. "who else can i ask? she won't talk to me."

"i know-"

"she wont talk to her own damn son. how's that? what's that like for her huh?" Jimin snaps. his hand continues to rush through his hair aggressively. why must family be so complicated? blood related members give us no choice. ever since he came out, years ago, his mother stopped talking to him.

it's like he doesn't exist.

yet his step father (who's been by his side from a young child) treats him more like a son than anyone else. "it's heartbreaking i know." the older, exhausted and overworked man sighs into the phone. Jimin wants nothing more but to hug him, just some comfort.

"yes it is." it's heartbreaking, shocking and cruel. what did he do to deserve this? doesn't he deserve love from the person who gave him life?

"but who knows, maybe she will come around one day-" Jimin's father tries to reassure the boy with false hope. he can only try. "you are her son after all." it doesn't work. Jimin feels worse than he did before.

"that doesn't mean anything to her dad."

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