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Jimin is pleasure driven sometimes.

he didn't realise how much he was until Serenity started to avoid him.

it's been days. it's been easy to avoid him since she's been taking different shifts at the school to volunteer, she doesn't open the door when he knocks and she doesn't come around anymore. it's only been five days and Jimin can't stand the fact there hasn't been any physical intimacy. not even emotional but that's not the most important...

the boy realises maybe he's just destined to be alone.

he comes to another realisation. Serenity avoiding him can be easily explained. the girl has finally had the epiphany that what they're doing is wrong (according to them) and not going anywhere. there's no future for them. why would you waste time or invest your heart into something with no clear direction? they meet each other's physical needs sexually, sure, along with a slight friendship where they enjoy each other's company.

but that's it.

or is that what you think? what's beneath the surface?

Jimin sighs and walks back and forth in his apartment. he ditches his cigarette and throws himself back against the neat bed. "fuck you." he says, not sure who he's saying it to anymore. Namjoon, God, his parents, Serenity... himself? the boy is frustrated.

he's had a genuine relationship before. it ended shortly after high school as he couldn't see himself seeing a future with the innocent girl. he can't see himself falling in love at all. love isn't for him and he likes the way things are- carefree, pleasurable and impulsive. he craves the danger.

and honestly, Serenity gives him that danger with her sharp looks, remarks and affectionate kisses. the way she clenches his arms, bites his bottom lip and sends him into a flurry of emotions is unexplainable. he can't see himself falling in love with her either. but he can see other things...

"fuck." Jimin groans and pulls his hand out of his pants after pleasuring himself. he feels better and less frustrated.

unfortunately the turmoil in his mind hasn't calmed down. he doesn't know why he's so annoyed that Serenity is avoiding him. isn't it a good thing? isn't it better off this way?

he checks his phone, rolling onto his side to see no messages from his family. not even from his father. a sense of disappointment now adds to the turmoil in his chest.

Jimin pushes his hands through his hair, away from his forehead as he lets out a deep sigh. he eyes the cigarettes on his cupboard but doesn't make any effort to retrieve them.

he's alone with just himself. that's one of the greatest pleasures he's ever experienced, so why in this moment, does he not feel comfortable? isn't it supposed to be?

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