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it's been seven days.

Jimin's fine, sure he's been frustrated but he figured that Serenity would come to him whenever she wanted to and she does when he least expects it.

he didn't expect her to come with jealousy filled in her eyes though. he had almost forgotten that he's standing with a girl outside of his apartment building. the stranger's physical intimacy is evident as she holds onto his jacket. it's hard enough always being lost in his thoughts but for once, he's lost in the present and Serenity who's finally here.

Jimin can only focus on smartly dressed Serenity who's crossed the road and is now making her way over to them. her trainers pad against the ground, arms swinging on either side. he can't help but smile giddily, one that appears as a smirk whilst his eyes get lost in a daze of her beauty.

it's been a week, i missed you. he wants to pull her close, spread his hands across her thighs and caress her again. he missed her body. did she miss him too? that's why she's here right? or is she here to end things?

Jimin doesn't know what comes over him as he watches Serenity struggle to cross the road. there's many cars and she's being careful. the girl he had picked up from the club is obviously waiting for his attention so he gives it to her. he cups her cheeks and kisses her, tongue slipping in as she moans.

pink haired, sultry Jimin keeps his bronze eyes open as he kisses the girl. his gaze makes sure to maintain intense eye contact with Serenity. she watches them with narrowed eyes and approaches them finally.

Jimin lets go of the girl and dismisses her obliviously.

Serenity, seconds later, stands in front of a happy Jimin. she has no idea how much he wants to kiss her right now but her eyes are occupied. she isn't looking at him, she's watching the girl he had just kissed shamelessly in front of her as she walks away.

Serenity sighs and steps closer. her chest nearly knocks into Jimin's. "i know we're not each other's but it hurts, so just kiss me."

Jimin's smile spreads across his lips slowly. his eyes are filled with desire as he places his hands on Serenity's butt, pulling her into him. "i missed you." he murmurs, liking how she bites her lip and hesitates. "why did you avoid me for so long?"

"why were you kissing-"

that's when Serenity realises, Jimin is drunk.

"are you drunk?"

the female leads her lover into his apartment. "you're wasted." her eyebrows furrow in confusion. it's early afternoon and he's stumbling with mumbled words. "come sit."

Jimin sits beside Serenity on his couch. "i don't know what i'm doing Seren. i thought i knew but i don't really know anything do i?"

Serenity rubs his back reassuringly. his eyes are red. "you know everything Jimin. i know you do." she says, voice soft and clear so she can hear him. he seems more vulnerable when he's out of his control.

"i don't even know myself." Jimin groans, hands in hair as his rings shine. "there's so much of me out there to discover." he feels his leg brush against Serenity's. her presence is calming and he wants her to know so he places his hand on her thigh, rubbing soothingly back and forth with his index finger.

"you have all the time in the world."

"time is fucking running out." Jimin snaps, not at Serenity and he's glad she knows that. she doesn't easily run away, she sticks around and he wonders why. but then again, he's never snapped around her. he's never let her see this side to him, to her, she's this boy who doesn't think too much and is mindful. little does she know, the past haunts him too. "just like it did for Namjoon."

"are you kidding me?" Jimin scratches his head, throat aching. "i never got to even tell him i wanted to be with him."

"he just stupidly-" Jimin can't speak anymore as he breaks down, hands covering his face. tears stream down his face, hotness downing his cheeks as he sobs painfully.

"be with him?" Serenity questions.

when Jimin doesn't say anything, he falls onto the floor. his bottom hits the carpet as he feels Serenity joining him. she sits beside his vulnerable and small form, hand squeezing his shoulder. she doesn't ask anymore questions but the boy feels that she deserves more answers so he speaks.

"we were more than friends. we both liked each other but he couldn't." he starts to explain, red eyes feeling the tears sting again. "he had to protect himself and he couldn't be himself i guess." his whole body aches with pain and distress as his breathing turns uneven, his hair becomes disheveled and he starts to cry until he can't breathe.

Serenity doesn't sigh or speak. she wraps her arms around Jimin, bringing his frame into her embrace. she holds him in a way that is more intimate than anything they had ever experienced. Jimin's never even been held by his mother this way.

he feels Serenity shiver as she listens and acknowledges his words. her gentle hands stroke through his fading locks, letting him cry in her hold.

Jimin lets himself be held.

he feels Serenity kiss his knuckles, even the rings as he cries. they sit there for an hour until he calms down. the silence was much needed.

"i just want him back you know?" Jimin breathes out into the silence. his breathing is staggered, figure aching in the woman's arms. "we could've lived a good life together." he thinks of Namjoon, his scarves, happy dimples and how unique he was. he had so much to give to the world, to him.

"but i adore you so much Serenity." Jimin tilts his head upwards, face nearing hers as he gulps harshly. tears continue to stream down his face but he still looks so beautiful. red cheeks, teary eyes and quivering lips meet Serenity's eyes. "i think of you as my whole fucking world and it scares me baby."



i'm aware that i've been updating like a madwoman 🤠

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